We are constantly in awe with the advances in auto-operating AI gadgets and technology.
The future of content lies well within these advances.
Chatbots have been given a lot of attention since the middle of 2018, and they are still growing strong. It is the latest trend in the tech industry, and has been adopted by most companies with ease. Chatbots, when programmed correctly can be engaging and fun for your clients.
If you are not too familiar with chatbots (also known as bots), they are software programs that can perform automatic tasks. Usually bots replace the first line of ‘customer service’ because they can be programmed to automatically respond to questions and guide the consumer to a solution. Think of the automated phone guide when we call large companies, as a type of a bot. Now take that and infuse it with AI and some serious programming skills, and you are given the chatbots we now have access to today.
In this article we will focus on chatbots, and whether they are a good or a bad fit for your publishing.
1. Engage With Your Audience
Publishers who connect with their readers on messaging apps enjoy some specific advantages. Content, just like all other industries has to look into the future and make adjustments in order to stay relevant.
This is the reason why chatbots hold a huge potential in the media companies overall. When a publisher or a media company sends content over a chatbot, they reach each and every single person that lands on their page in a more personal / customized manner.
Chatbots do prompt consumers to engage, and consumers tend to have the tendency to want to reply back (even if we know it is just a bot).
Executive editor of Quartz, explained in a recent interview, that a well-placed bot might pay off longer, than repeated article engagements on social media. He continued by adding that publishers need to pay Facebook (for example) to get readers to engage with their websites. Once someone is on the website it is a new battle, and a chatbot has proven to engage the visitors and solve part of the problem.
Publishers now have the ability to build apps within the messenger interface. The benefit is that consumers do not need to download / install a particular app (app space on our screen is limited) in order to engage with the publisher’s content.
This can add up to millions or even billions of interactions on messaging apps.
Interesting Facts:
Messaging apps and chatbots retain clients 6 times more than typical apps
Chatbots are launched on average 9 times per day, while typical apps only twice a day
Chatbots generally can hold someone engaged for over 30 minutes per session
2. Deliver Content Using Today’s Communication Methods
Format, packaging, and presentation matter a lot in developing trust, and building a relationship with your audience.
Using a chatbot to deliver your content or engage your potential clients is considered an experience that meets the needs of modern day consumers. It also fits the habits of today’s’ readers.
Your clients are used to texting, messaging, and using instant and live methods to speak to friends and family. This is a familiar and safe process for your audience. Therefore, by introducing a chatbot that imitates this already familiar process, you are helping to keep your potential clients in their comfort zone while they engage with your content. This is the future of content. Helping people be at ease ultimately leads to higher revenues.
How about the fact that most of us suffer from short attention span?
This is why chatbots are here to stay. They enable publishers to provide relevant and fresh content in a more attractive and effective manner.
A chatbot can be programmed to display:
Anything else you can share while chatting with a friend online.
Do not forget that bots are dynamic and use language that is close to everyday language for your potential consumers. In addition chatbots are quick to use, which makes them a perfect fit for today’s busy consumers.
3. Make the Experience Personal
Although we know that chatbots are automated, somehow, the majority of us dismiss their automated nature and enjoy the intimate, direct communication with a bot.
It is a more personal experience than static content as well.
Most bots will give the consumer multiple options during the simulated dialogue which is highly appreciated by the reader.
The same way people develop a one-on-one relationship with the radio dj, or a TV host, they tend to develop that one-on-one feeling with chatbots. We know that the dj and the host are speaking to millions of people at the same time, but we do feel a personal connection to them.
4. Capitalize on Their Advertising Potential
Think about when you get a message notification.
Most of the time, you stop whatever it is you are doing to check your messages, right?
Now consider that this message can be coming from a bot, sending you a very personal message, and an ad that seems relevant to you based on your recent interaction with the bot.
Chatbots are known to achieve a better cost-per-mille (CPM) than traditional advertising.
As consumers scroll through a social platform they are scanning, however, when they receive a message they will take the time to read it. This results in huge savings in advertising, as well as better conversion rates.
5. Capitalize on Their Direct Sales Capabilities
Chatbots have evolved to support online payments and other transactions (such as RSVP etc).
This means that media and publishing companies can utilize them to sell products to their readers.
Anything from tickets, to merchandise, and books. Since many messaging apps offer in-app payment, people can now complete the payment transaction with the chatbot.
From personal experience, I found it very interesting when at some point a chatbot reminded me with a very polite message that I started a transaction a few days ago that I did not complete.
I was even offered a discount to finalize the purchase, and it worked on me.
Maybe it was partially because I was going to buy that product regardless, but the personal nudge from the bot made it happen much sooner
Using a chatbot correctly has many added on benefits for publishers.
Maximize content distribution
Boost audience engagement
Increase revenue
Collect data
Build better relationships with your consumers.