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Breaking Through with Your Content Marketing Efforts in 2019

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Soon enough we’ll be able to drop the “content” from content marketing because it’s taking over as the primary focus of marketing strategists. 2019 has some significant changes in store for content marketing, but you have time to prepare!

Choosing the Right Form of Content Marketing

Content marketing goes far beyond releasing an infographic or occasional blog post. Instead, content marketing strategy spans across everything from social media posts, to white pages.

To create impactful content in 2019, you need to focus on producing the right form of content and not spreading yourself too thin. We are entering the days in which AI algorithms can mass produce social media posts, white papers, and even blog posts. But AI algorithms can’t create the level of quality yet that a person who focuses on one medium could.

Blogging in 2019

Blogging is still present, and it’s one of the best ways to generate organic traffic from search engines. But, blogging in 2019 serves a bigger purpose. Now, blogging allows you to establish a strong brand reputation and build confidence with your customers.

For 2019 you should focus on providing high-quality information to your readers. Because of YouTube and many other free information sharing sites, anyone can perform a bit of cursory research and decide if they believe your information or not.

Google uses algorithms that will generally list sites with a blog first, of course, it still depends on the quality of the information. Always keep your content relevant to your site and consistent with your other posts.


Visual data is so valuable that virtually any industry can benefit from using an infographic to support their content. Unlike the years before, infographics are beginning to stand on their own.

The best aspect of infographics is that they’re the ultimate marketing tool for addressing the problem and offering a solution. As with any visual type of marketing, an infographic does offer more engagement than text.

Dedicate a segment of your content strategy towards developing infographics for social media posts and to publish to your site.

Get Ready to Earn Your Readers

As the online community is becoming more aware, and more wary, of the information available to them, they’re less likely to buy into your content marketing.

In a day where it’s difficult to distinguish an ad from a regular post, people are getting tired of clicking on something to go through multiple site redirections and eventually get a prompt to sign up for something after completing a few surveys.

Content marketing will be the star of 2019 so far as marketing goes, but it has the tall order of constantly proving that it’s more than cheap marketing.

The way to earn readers is through high-quality content strategy. Readers want consistency and transparency, so they know what to expect and don’t believe that you’ll try to take advantage of them.

Articles and Case Studies

An excellent home for infographics is in a case study or article. As people question the validity of information available on the internet, case studies are standing as reputable resources. You should allocate a portion of your content strategy in 2019 for writing a few high-quality case studies.

Turn to your audience to learn what type of information they would want to see in a case study format before planning your topics. It’s important to note that case studies do require more planning and much more attention to detail. You should list your resources, and provide as much high-level data, within reason.

Strategy Developed on Customer Success

There’s so much at stake for content marketing in 2019 as there are many trend changes on the horizon. Customer success is the primary indicator of a trustworthy and transparent brand. Combine proof of happy customers with high-value information for a content marketing slam dunk!

To accomplish this, content creators must draft strategies that showcase value, customer success and open the door for customers to engage. Engagement continues to be a hot topic when developing a content strategy. However, engagement is changing from simple responses in the comment section of a blog to actively interacting with customers on social media.

Outside of a company blog that might have regional location highlights such as fundraisers or community events, you’ll want to develop a strategy that homes in on social media.

Content Management for Social Media

No content marketing strategy is complete without a plan for social media. We’ve seen social media become more important to content management year after year and 2019 is no different. However, likes and followers aren’t the only things that matter anymore.

Content management for social media must both target the high volume social media platforms such as Facebook and the emerging platforms like Kik. These new platforms are attracting people across multiple generations, not just the younger adults.

To manage your content for social media, you should focus on two driving forces. First, put your content to work establishing trust and building up your brand. Second, build links back into your website directly to the informational posts that have relevant calls to action at the end.

People don’t want to click a link for it to go straight to the product. If they’re going from a social media site, they likely want valuable information that will naturally guide them to your product or service. The level of planning that goes into coordinating social media posts with blog posts or articles that then link out to a coordinating service or product requires a human touch.

AI is the New Competition

AI is the tool and the possible downfall of quality content. As artificial intelligence becomes prevalent among content marketers, it’s likely that blog posts, white papers, and social media posts will become generic. Basically, AI is a great tool for people making a quote which is likely to come from big companies trying to save a buck on labor.

But, throughout 2019 it’s likely we’ll see the emergence of quality content come from small businesses, and bloggers. Hopefully, this will increase the authority of these sites and positively impact the small business owners and bloggers.

No doubt, AI will have a place in the future of content marketing, but in 2019, it’s likely you’ll see a lot of low-quality work generated from algorithms.

Content Creation Needs a Team

Before the very recent updates in algorithms behind YouTube and Google, it was reasonable to have one or two people behind content creation. But, 2019 has so many changes coming that content creation isn’t a one-person job anymore.

Most of the research surrounding content creation shows that a content team is more capable of high-level research and producing more successful content. Additionally, a team is more likely to create a documented content strategy that will generate more consistent content as well.

More Companies are Spending More on Content Strategy

The core of a content strategy is that it has more lead generation, lesser up-front costs, and higher conversion rates than paid search. Although there are many changes in 2019 with content creation, it’s still true that content is king.

Content marketing builds momentum over the years, continuing to work for you long after you get a full return on interest. Not to mention that content marketing has approximately six times the conversion rates when compared to traditional marketing methods. It’s hard for any company to argue that it’s not worth investing in a content strategy.

However, the low cost of content strategy has kept many companies from founding their own team in-house. Instead, many companies including bloggers and small businesses will utilize content marketing services to strategically put together a plan that spans across the multiple forms of content creation and then develop the content as well.

The Bottom Line

As you get ready to enter the next year, you’ll want to review your content strategy carefully. In 2019 the areas to focus on for content creation that matter includes:

  1. Finding the right form of content marketing that fits your company.

  2. Keep blogging. It impacts google results tremendously.

  3. Use visual data and infographics to support your solutions to customer problems.

  4. Earn your readers with valuable information from case studies and articles.

  5. Use your customer success to boost your social media presence and reputation.

  6. Know that you’re up against AI and produce content on a consistent basis.

  7. Build or hire a team for your content strategy.

Creating a content marketing strategy in 2019 differs significantly from the past years because of the necessity of high-value. This year is the year that content marketing will overtake traditional marketing methods. Customers want more information and have the resources available to research your products, services, and past customer experiences.

To raise the awareness of your success, build your brand, and reinforce your reputation, you’ll want to ensure that you touch on the areas of content creation that will have the greatest impact with your customers. For 2019, that means blogging, creating visual data, writing case studies, and establishing a social media presence consistent with your brand.

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When it comes time to pick a content provider, a bargain isn’t always the best way to go. Content is more than filler; it’s what draws visitors to your site, but inspired content keeps them there. It keeps them coming back. Content is a relationship. It’s your brand. We get it. Furthermore, we can deliver it. Contact us today for a quote.


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