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Can You Influence the Way Your Customers Review Your Brand?

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For as long as we can remember, customers have always the liberty to spend their money as they see fit, and dictate the terms of conditions of their short or long-term collaboration with different sellers and service providers.

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Consumers Can Influence Entire Communities Built around Brands

These days, clients have the ability to influence not only their own buying decisions, but also the shopping behavior of large groups of people. Empowered by the ever-growing popularity of digital devices and social networking platforms, customers have the power to influence how, when and where other people within their social circles interact with certain brands.

In this context, as The Deloitte Consumer Review indicates, customers can be seen as both creators and critics. Their positive feedback can help businesses build trust and credibility, boost sales and increase their client base, while bad reviews with a solid fundament can bury even a well-established company six feet under. In this context, as a small company owner seeking to keep your clients close in the long run, could you actually influence the way in which your customers review your brand? If so, could you turn a foes into friends before they kill your online credibility and reputation?

Improving Customer Experience to Generate Positive Client Feedback

Yes, you can actually achieve these two goals by simply delivering an improved client experience. What does this process actually entail? To begin with, you may want to review your products, and craft a better story around them.

Launch personalized products designed with your audience in mind, or at least adapt your marketing message and make it resonate with the desires, expectations and necessities of your prospective buyers. Secondly, interact with the people who have already invested in your merchandise on a regular basis. Thirdly, motivate them to share their (hopefully flawless) experience with their family, friends and coworkers.

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“Launch personalized products designed with your audience in mind, or at least adapt your marketing message and make it resonate with the desires, expectations and necessities of your prospective buyers.”

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5 Content Marketing Tips Leading to Positive Customer Feedback

At the end of the day, if your objective is to improve customer experience to benefit from positive client feedback, you should keep in mind that clients always value companies that deliver personalized service, and also give them the opportunity to express their ideas freely, and reshape the product and services they pay for and consume.

If you find all these steps a bit puzzling, simplify your mission by following the five content marketing tips listed below, showing you how to gain more control over the way in which your customers choose to speak about your business.

  1. Be Transparent, Thoughtful and Trained to Handle Any Situation. For starters, don’t strive to be perfect. We all make mistakes, especially when trying to make a name for ourselves in a new field, and interacting with people whom we don’t know and trust. Under these circumstances, learn to accept the fact that you are human and can make a mistake at any given point in time, regardless of how good you are at your job, or how committed you are to your business success. If existing customers signal an error, analyze their complaints; get back to them as soon as possible, and offer them the best solution to their problem, accompanied by a sincere apology. This doesn’t mean that the client is always right; not by a long shot. On the contrary, as it turns out, companies that still follow this outdated principle end up making many mistakes, such as giving abrasive clients an unfair advantage, making their own employees unhappy, and actually lowering the quality of their own client service. What we’re saying is that transparency, coupled with thoughtfulness and the eagerness to address any question or complaint coming from your customers can help you harness the power of positive referrals.

  2. Make It Easier for New and Existing Clients to Reach You. Some clients speak badly about you because they’ve had a nightmarish customer experience; while others will do the same because they constantly feel ignored by your customer service department. The good news is that it is in your power to avoid negative reviews posted by the latter category of clients by simply making sure that your audience can reach you at any given point in time via phone, email or social media platform. The lesson is this: don’t make them wait ages for your reply, and they won’t make your business life a living hell.

  3. Turn Clients into Brand Evangelists. Business savvy entrepreneurs know just how to build a strong community around their brand to increase their visibility and bottom line. Very few companies that put their clients first are forced to deal with negative reviews impacting their online reputation and credibility, as well as the desirability of their products. Here’s why: these businesses spare no efforts when it comes to turning loyal customers into brand evangelists, whose purpose is to put the company’s products into the most flattering light, and convert a larger pool of prospects into devoted clients. You could employ the same tactic by taking the following steps:

  4. Respond to any form of communication (complaints, suggestions, testimonials) launched on all channels (phone, email, Facebook, Twitter and so on) in a prompt, professional manner

  5. Reorganize your blog or website to make it easier for your clients to reach out directly with potential questions, concerns and/or recommendations

  6. Survey your existing clients at the end of your project, to identify your strengths and weaknesses and set up new short and long-term goals to improve the overall user experience

  7. Post client reviews and testimonials on your website to show your customers that you value their opinion

  8. Thank your clients after each online and in-store purchase, and keep them up-to-date with your activity via email, social media and offline marketing strategies

  9. Let your clients’ experiences inspire your content creation efforts; craft blog posts focused on the problems, concerns and positive aspects that they have shared with you; also, redistribute their posts on social media to earn the trust and appreciation of a larger segment of prospects.

  10. Display (and Brag about) Your Latest Achievements. An impressive portfolio will always contribute to a superior client experience. By taking a closer look at your previous work, new and existing clients will be able to assess your skills, expertise, and the unique elements that set you aside from your competitors, and make sure that what they see is what they will actually get, when doing business with you. This is a great way to help your clients set realistic expectations in relation to your products, and ensure their satisfaction.

  11. Never Stop Improving. We can all agree that perfection is an unattainable objective. Even the biggest companies worldwide constantly rethink their strategies to improve their communication with their audiences, so why would you put your efforts on hold? Never get too comfortable. Even if your phone is ringing, the sales are doing fine, and customer emails are flowing, always think about ways in which you could recreate a better customer experience, and use this foundation to generate more positive feedback.

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Don’t Let Negative Reviews Shatter Your Business

Whoever said that any publicity is good publicity probably didn’t take into account that a plethora of negative reviews coming from a bunch of angry clients can put potential buyers faster than a natural disaster. If you’re looking for effective methods to keep this threat in check, start by working on your relationship with existing clients, and follow the content marketing tips that we’ve shared with you in this article to prevent or minimize the impact of negative customer feedback.

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Annie has 18 years’ experience as an editor and content creator and manager. With work in television and written media, she has dedicated her past 10 years to learning the ropes of online content creation, from writing to editing, from SEO to content management.

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