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Deadpool and Celine Dion? What This Dynamic Duet Teaches about Influencers & Content

Maria Howard

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Deadpool and Celine Dion? What This Dynamic Duet Teaches about Influencers & Content

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Celine Dion & Deadpool. Chances are you never would have been able to pair those two in the same sentence for anything more than a witty joke and punchline delivered in Deadpool’s next promotional video or even a line from the movie script. However, the thought of Celine Dion getting involved with Deadpool 2 would have confused most people earlier this year (or even earlier this month.)

Deadpool has essentially evolved into a career-defining character for Ryan Reynolds. His growing resume of acting roles proves he has the range to do anything – from voice acting and rom-coms to action films and superhero shootouts. His athletic physique, comic timing and ability to go deep into drama as an actor all intersected at the same point with the 2016 cinematic game-changing blockbuster named after the titular antihero.

One could think that following the same formula that turned Deadpool into an international box-office hit would be more than enough for the follow-up sequel. However, it was made crystal clear that is not the case as soon as it recruited the involvement a legendary hero of original songs in the cinema: Celine Dion.

Thanks to the now-viral music video for her new song, “Ashes,” however, it is crystal clear that this is much more than a punchline. Celine Dion was able to deliver yet another powerful song that pulls at your heartstrings – and it just so happens to be an original song for the upcoming sequel to the 2016 blockbuster hit Deadpool.

There are profound lessons that content creators and marketers can learn from this jaw-dropping

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Mastering the Element of Surprise is an Endless Pursuit

A lot of the success achieved by the first Deadpool movie was based on the element of surprise. Moviegoers did not really know what to expect, but they did know it would be different than anything else they had seen before just from the trailers, promos and TV spots.

Ryan Reynolds and the Deadpool crew could have just delivered a solid follow-up sequel without very many “surprises’ and been just fine. However, that is apparently not his style.

  1. Surprise! There is a sequel (Deadpool 2) and it will be released in May 2018, so fans would not have to wait very long after the first movie.

  1. Surprise! Deadpool will be joined by Cable in the sequel. Who’s playing him? Surprise! It’s jacked James Brolin with a buzz cut that looks like it came straight from the pages of a Deadpool and Cable comic book.

  1. Surprise! Domino will also be in the movie. Who’s playing her? Zazie Beetz – a woman who went from a relatively unknown supportive acting role in the Netflix series Easy to the leading lady of the award-winning FX series Atlanta starring Donald Glover.

  1. Surprise! Deadpool 2 will have an original song instead of just reviving an old Salt ‘n Pepa classic like the first movie. Who will sing it? Surprise! It’s Celine Dion. Since it’s for Deadpool 2, it will be a humorous song that will not be taken seriously, right? Surprise! Nope! As Celine said at the end of the music video, she doesn’t do anything less than 11 on a scale from 1-10.

The Deadpool franchise has proven that mastering the art of surprise is an endless pursuit – it has a starting point, but there is never a finish line worth crossing. As soon as you achieve it once, the bar of expectation rises higher and higher. Avoiding that has created an extensive list of follow-up sequels that should have never been made. However, accepting that has created the elite list of cinematic masterpieces that have historically outdone and outperformed their predecessors.

Lesson Learned: Deadpool 2 set the stage to join the elite list of successful sequels thanks to the strategic approach of always searching for another opportunity to surprise the audience.

Your content can follow in its footsteps. Remember: The art of surprise creates the art of engagement. If you can skillfully provide your audience with something that they never expected to receive, then you will be able to captivate their attention and engage their interest. That is what will keep your readers and viewers coming back for more.

Tap into an Expert Influencer to Maximize Exposure

Deadpool made over $780 million at the box-office – providing at least 780 million reasons why people were going to see the sequel with or without an original song by a legendary singer attached to it.

Keep in mind that Ryan Reynolds has 19.8 million followers on Instagram, 10.8 million followers on Twitter and 4.27 million likes on Facebook. When it comes to getting the word out to promote Deadpool 2, Ryan’s bulletproof social media strategy generated more than enough organic exposure thanks to his massive fan base.

However, by tapping into expert influencers and getting a little help from these outside sources, Ryan and the Deadpool 2 marketing team were able to flip the ignition switch that allowed those exposure analytics to skyrocket!

Think about it. If you are a fan of the first film or Ryan Reynolds, you more than likely were already committed to it. However, tapping into the expertise of Celine Dion peaked curiosity and anticipation for the film in a way that many other superhero movies have failed to do.

Check the resume:

  1. Social Media Following: Her Twitter following is smaller than Reynolds’, but she has 23 million likes on Facebook.

  1. Star Power: Who does not know Celine Dion? 26 studio albums (15 French and 11 English), 12 World Music Awards, 7 Billboard Music Awards, 7 American Music Awards, 5 Grammy Awards and the voice of the record-setting, Oscar-winning classic “My Heart Will Go On.”

  1. Track Record of Successful Movie Song Hits: “My Heart Will Go On” was not the only time Dion struck oil with a cinematic classic. Those who remember the animated classic “Beauty and the Beast” from the early 90s will remember that she and Peabo Bryson made waves with their duet of the titular song from the movie’s soundtrack long before Ariana Grande and John Legend gave it a shot for the film’s live adaptation last year.

  1. Peak Interest from Outsiders: There is a pretty long list of people who will probably never see Deadpool 2 in theaters or even on digital, DVD and Blu-ray formats primarily because it does not interest them. However, all you need to do to listen to “Ashes” is be a fan of Celine Dion’s music. You may listen to the song for Celine but watching the video will expose you to Deadpool. Therefore, 20th Century Fox and the Deadpool 2 marketing team win either way. Celine may even get Oscar buzz for “Best Original Song” this award season – which means that Deadpool 2 could possibly become an Oscar-winning film simply by association! How many other superhero movies can you think of that have accomplished that?

Lesson Learned: When searching for influencers to help increase exposure to your content, look beyond the boundaries of your own niche. Build relationships with those “star power” influencers that may never have looked your way in the past. By doing so, you may embark on a networking opportunity between the two of you that allows you to boost your exposure to a level you (and your future audience members) never expected.

At times, the “star power” of certain influencers may cause a lot of content creators to shy away from an opportunity to connect with them. Think about all the other singers with shorter track records and smaller fanbases (in comparison) that would have jumped at the chance of recording a song for the Deadpool 2 soundtrack. Not very many people would have made the same waves and generated the same buzz as Celine Dion, however – which makes the accomplishment even more amazing.

When you listen to and watch the “Ashes” video, Deadpool 2 gets exposure. When you watch Deadpool 2, Celine Dion gets exposure. It’s a win-win for everyone. What type of win-win scenario can you create by reaching out to expert influencers?

Transport Your Content into New Territory

As mentioned earlier, not very many superhero movies are known for the original songs that come from them. There have been successful hits that worked well together (example: Seal’s “Kiss of a Rose” for Batman Forever, Nickelback’s “Hero” for Spider-Man and Kendrick Lamar’s “All the Stars” for Black Panther.) However, there have been many more misses than hits. Most superhero movies have just focused on the acting, visual effects and musical score – hoping to create a blockbuster hit – without worrying about adding an original song to the mix.

Deadpool 2 decided to transition into new territory for the franchise – and it has paid off in a major way. The “Ashes” video alone has generated over 14.5 million YouTube views in nearly 5 days and has helped to introduce Celine Dion to a new (and much younger) generation.

Again, whether you are a fan of Deadpool or Celine Dion does not really matter. The profound lessons in powerful content and collaboration learned by this dynamic duo of big-screen legends should speak volumes and make you a huge fan of what they have created together.

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Annie has over 20 years of  experience as an editor and content creator and manager. With work in television and written media, she has dedicated her past 10 years to learning the ropes of online content creation, from writing to editing, from SEO to content management.

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