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Evergreen Content: How You Can Take Your Company’s Content to a Whole New Level
When crafting a quality content marketing campaign, it is your duty to check sources, spend more time doing in-depth research, get to know your audiences a little better, and ultimately, craft premium content that could keep them informed, entertained and educated in the long run. How do you do that? Here’s the most obvious answer to this question: by creating and distributing first-hand evergreen content.
Why Do We All Need (and Like) Evergreen Content?
Timeless, informative and useful evergreen content should be a constant source of inspiration for its readers. Unlike pieces that are perfectly disposable and have a short shelf life, evergreen writing can actually influence people’s mindsets, attitudes and actions for the longest period of time. In this context, the reasons why we all need and love timeless pieces become very clear. To begin with, quality content has a high return on investment, given that you could adjust, repurpose and redistribute your writing at any given point in time, to fill a new need expressed by your audience, maintain a steady content flow without making quality compromises, and stay relevant in your industry.
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Photograph by Yellowj via BigStockPhoto.com
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What Are the Parameters That We Should Use to Guide Content Creation and Distribution Strategies?
At the same time, not all the pieces listed in the evergreen content department look the same, send the same message, or have the same impact. This is why you should always try to find the most interesting and relevant topics that you could expand on, and write with your audience in mind. Aside from user experience and relevancy, there are several other selection criteria that you could use to guide your content creation and distribution tactics, including practical value, originality and overall appeal.
How Could One Take Evergreen Content to a Whole New Level of Excellence?
Here’s one negative aspect that some readers may tend to associate with content without an expiration date: some companies use it to fill a void in communication, caused by lack of creativity, motivation or practice. Let’s face it: crafting awe-inspiring content (evergreen or disposable) can be quite a challenge for companies selling more practical and less exciting products-think insurance policies or accounting services. Even so, several brands that are no strangers to this situation have found a way to market their products via the creation and distribution of evergreen content.
For instance, as SearchEngineWatch points out, deBugged has managed to keep its pest control blog into the spotlight by tackling fun, high-impact topics and following a truly unique approach to content creation in its industry. Through its insanely creative, relevant and timeless writing revolving around unexpected topics, such as edible insects recipes, deBugged has succeeded in preserving its competitiveness while making its dull products sound fun. You could employ a similar tactic, by mining the data that you already have (surveys, testimonials, client feedback), address common customer problems and concerns, think outside the box, and explore the most creative methods to match your products (even the least desirable ones) to your content.
How Should You Integrate Evergreen Content into Your Content Marketing Plan?
Once you’ve set the foundation for idea planning and generation, you will try to figure out how you could turn evergreen content into an important part of your content marketing plan. As Jeff Bullas indicates, timeless content can help you gain and use staying power in your industry. Well-written, pertinent, properly optimized pieces that are constantly promoted via a myriad of social media platforms will get links long after their creation simply due to the fact that they provide definitive insight on a high-interest subject, and cater to the needs of a large targeted audience.
History posts, how-to guides, list posts and FAQ posts are only a few of the main categories of evergreen content pieces that could regulate and add value to your content flow, while keeping your readers hooked and informed around the clock. Choose the templates that best match your audience, business profile, products and goals, and invest in high-value posts that you could cite or redistribute ten years from now. At the end of the day, well-written content that has what it takes to preserve its relevancy and value in the ever-changing online dimension can help you increase your authority, and express and promote ideas meant to last.
Looking for help with your content marketing? Reach out to our expert team and you can be making the first great step towards greatness!

Annie has 18 years’ experience as an editor and content creator and manager. With work in television and written media, she has dedicated her past 10 years to learning the ropes of online content creation, from writing to editing, from SEO to content management.
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