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How to Put Together a Successful Labor Day Content Marketing Campaign

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Every year, on the first Monday in September, Labor Day is the last federal holiday before summer ends. What you might not know is that Labor Day was created to celebrate the economic and social achievements of workers in America, according to the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL).

As of July 2018, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) estimates that there are around 156 million workers over the age of sixteen in the U.S. The day off is a tribute to the work that millions of Americans have done, making the U.S. strong and prosperous. Take a note from the DOL’s handbook and make your own Labor Day content all about celebrating the American people and the work they do.

Time It Just Right

As with any content marketing campaign, you need to time your content uploads to hit your target audience’s sweet spot. If you post too early, your audience may not care yet. Worse, they may care but then forget to do anything once Labor Day actually approaches. Conversely, if you post too closely to Labor Day, your audience won’t have enough time to process what you’re saying and react in time. Campaign posts are a lot like the Goldilocks tale–you need to get it just right in order to be a success. Generally, a few days in advance of a holiday is a good idea. So, considering Labor Day falls on September 3rd this year, somewhere between August 30th and September 1st would be most likely to catch your audience’s attention. Additionally, if you upload during those days, it allows your audience time to plan anything you may include—events, sales, etc.—into their Labor Day weekend plans.

Do Your Research

In this digital day and age, search engine optimization (SEO), should be at the tippy top of any content marketing campaign. Successful businesses use content and SEO together in order to reach target audiences and grow their business. Do your research and look up projected keywords relevant to both your company and Labor Day. Then use them.

Evoke the Summer Season

Labor Day often acts as the last hoorah before an end to carefree summer days. Summer is all about a slower pace of life, relaxation and the comforts of friends and family. Most people are understandably sad to see summer go. Tap into this longing by marketing your campaign using images, titles and descriptions which evoke the summer that is coming to a close. Or, directly address the issue by promoting “end of summer” content or sales.

Sharing Is Caring

Many people traveling for Labor Day are doing so to spend time with their loved ones. The holiday is about relaxing with family and friends, catching up and spending one last long weekend together before summer fades. Of course, because spending time with family and friends means most people might not be on their computer or phone as much as they normally would. However, if you publish your content early enough and/or make your title and image attention-grabbing, then you have a chance to share with not only that target customer, but also with their family. Consider including word-of-mouth deals in your Labor Day content, where if a customer refers another, they get a discount code for future use. This prompts audience members to both buy within the timeframe as well as prompt others to do so as well, all in the name of looking out for the best interests of family and friends.

Back-to-School Basics

Almost no one likes to remember that summer days are being traded in for school sessions. However, there’s just something so customary about going back-to-school shopping. In 2017, back to school/college spending was estimated at $83.6 billion, according to Statista. That’s certainly a lot of school textbooks, holographic pencils and see-through backpacks. Tap into that back-to-school feel and huge buying potential by marketing your content towards what your audience might need come fall. Make sure you use your content marketing to improve your customer’s retail experience so they keep coming back for more.

Holiday Sale Psychology

Holiday marketing and huge sales have grown together as an inseparable pairing. Savvy shoppers know to wait until holiday sales in order to buy the products they want. Use this mindset to your advantage. Even if the sale you offer isn’t huge or long-lasting, customers will see any decrease in price as an increase in their own thriftiness. Make sure you’re marketing to the psychology of your audience. For instance, when your audience feels like they’ve obtained value from you, they want to return the favor. This type of simple reciprocity can have a potentially massive impact on holiday sales and Labor Day is no exception.

Labor Day Content Solutions

Labor Day is a time to celebrate the last few summer days and spend time with loved ones. It is also a great chance for businesses to truly connect with their target audiences. Yet, not everyone has the time, will or know-how to put together a content campaign. With decades of experience, the dedicated team at Iris Content can assist, whether you’re looking for high-quality Labor Day content or future marketing campaign strategies. Contact us today. We’d love to help you reach your goals and target audience.

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