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How to Write a Landing Page that Brings in Business

Maria Howard

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Landing pages are crucial for businesses that sell online. To maximize conversions, you must take many factors into account. A good visual design is a must, and captivating pictures help a lot too. But the real challenge lies with the copy. High-converting landing pages implement a plethora of techniques to convince visitors. In this article, you will learn 10 essential tips to help you boost your business.

1. It All Starts with a Headline

A headline is a vital part of landing pages and all sorts of content. As advertising legend David Ogilvy said, “On the average, five times as many people read the headlines as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar”.

Well-thought headlines grab attention by conveying the promised value in a concise and clear manner. Coming up with an okay headline may not be the hardest task, but finding a truly great one will make a big difference in the number of conversions.

2. Write with a Friendly Tone

This is one of the proven content marketing guidelines that most if not all marketers preach. You are in business to help your customers, so talk to them as you would to a friend. Use the second person combined with simple language. Try to tell a story and use jokes here and there.

3. Answer this Question: What’s in It for Me?

Make it clear why customers should care and how you are the best choice they can make. Explain what readers will gain as well as what they will lose if they don’t act.

Empathize with their pains and frustrations, and show them the dream scenario that awaits them. Knowing your target demographics in and out is critical to finding the angles that compel them to make the jump.

4. No Landing Page is Complete without Testimonials

Testimonials give you credibility by showing that your offer has already worked for other customers. They can also serve as great headlines and subheaders.

Testimonials should detail the customer experience: the problem they had, how working with you was easy, and the results they achieved. Whenever possible, add names and pictures of your past customers.

That said, sometimes customers are not sure what they should mention. You can help them write a great testimonial by asking questions.

5. Add More Trust Elements

Testimonials are not the only way to increase credibility. Mention any third-party that can attest for the quality of your work. Display the icons of big clients and publications you were mentioned with. If you can include a quote from an influencer or a major brand, that’s even better.

6. Address You Audience’s Objections

This is one of the most important sections of a landing page, where conversions can be made or broken. Maybe you have nailed the benefits and put together a bunch of testimonials. But the reader will still think of reasons why she should not proceed with the purchase, so you have to repel them with solid arguments. Common objections include:

  1. I have tried other products and they didn’t work. How are you different?

  2. This is too expensive for me

  3. The solution I’m currently using works just fine

To overcome these objections, you can resort to arguments such as:

  1. Explain why other products are not working and what you do better than them

  2. Reframe the perception of the cost by demonstrating a big return on investment

  3. Compare the customer’s solution with yours and highlight your unique features

Remember to gather testimonials from your current customers. Some of them will mention exactly what convinced them to move past their objections. Sending surveys is another great way to learn what makes your customers reject or accept your offer.

7. Follow a Cohesive Logical Flow

The order in which you deliver your selling points matters a lot. Try to follow the train of thought that the consumer has while considering the purchase. Each section of the landing page should build upon the previous one with more arguments. Here is one cohesive structure you can use:

Headline –> pain points –> solution –> benefits –> testimonials –> objections –> call to action

You can’t jump to the objections without introducing the solution first. Likewise, a call to action positioned too early will be ignored. Sometimes the impact of a landing page can change simply by swapping some sections.

8. Make Your Landing Page Skimmable

Maybe walls of text were acceptable in the early 2000s, but things have changed. With so much content around nowadays, internet surfers must decide quickly what is worth their time and what is not.

To make your landing page skimmable, use subheaders and bullet points to highlight key information, and break down big chunks of text into digestible paragraphs.

9. Include a Money-Back Guarantee

Guarantees show your confidence in your product. Remember that customers don’t like to take risks, so sweeten the deal by removing them. You may encounter a few bad customers, but in return, you will have converted many more. This practice is mot common with digital products and online services. But set a time limit for refunds to make sure purchases are final after a certain period.

10. Polish Your Call to Action

The call to action is as crucial as the headline: you have retained the visitors’ attention to the end, and now you must tell them what you want them to do. Writing it is less tricky, but you still have to do it thoughtfully. Use emotion-infused words or remind the reader of a benefit.

The visual design of your call to action matters as well. Research shows that CTA buttons with vivid, high-contrast colors perform better.

One bonus feature you can add right below the call to action is the postscript or “P.S.”. The first thing that many visitors do is to scroll all the way down to see the “bottom line”. A good post-scriptum can solve an objection, summarize the value offered, or add an element of urgency.

Writing high-converting landing pages requires time, effort, and testing. If you are not sure how to tackle them, our team at Iris Content can help. Our copywriters will create the perfect landing pages that compel your target audience to take action.

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