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How You Should Write Blog Content in 2019

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Nothing is certain in the world except death and taxes, just like nothing is certain about content in 2019 except that its importance to marketing will increase.  Content will continue changing. Your blog will keep getting results if you are evolving as a writer and distributing content in a way to reflect the latest tendencies.

Concise and Visually Rich

Since research has shown Google ranks longer posts higher, posts are getting longer and longer. However, if you are aiming to keep your readers engaged once they arrive at your blog, the post needs to be clear and concise. In 2019, one should never underestimate the importance of visual content. Blog posts without visuals are 50% less likely to get visits and engagement as posts with visuals. It’s also important to stay unique. Choosing print over digital would be one way.

Ideally, your blog content should be varied and diverse in 2019. In other words, alternate between long and short posts – this is a great way to attract as many readers as possible. Some will be looking for in-depth information on given topics, which can only be provided in a 2,000-plus word article. Others will be looking for shorter, more manageable content. All these readers with their different needs will come to your site.

Consider Voice Searches

Virtual assistants like Alexa and Siri are facilitating Internet searches more and more often. Statistics of the Content Marketing Institute show nearly 50% of Americans use voice assistants, and 20% of mobile Google searches are voice-prompted.

People talk differently than they write. To make sure your content comes up on the first page of Google, make an effort to match natural language. Consider using longer, more natural phrasing rather than popular keywords. Basically, your content should attempt to answer questions the way a person would.

To this end, you could use site links, structured data, and rich snippets to help search engines provide the answer people are looking for. Use longer natural phrasing in headers and article titles, and use a more conversational tone.

Create Customized Content

One-size-fits-all content marketing may have been the goal of many writers in 2018, but this trend will start to fade in 2019. Writers will be trying to personalize their content to the individual to leave a more lasting impression and provide a more pleasant reading experience. Customization can have a very big impact. It starts with little things, such as greeting your visitor by name after they’ve entered it when they return to your site.

A Salesforce study showed personalized account-based marketing resulted in a fourfold conversion rate increase. This tendency exists on company level as well. BMW improved conversions by 30% after personalizing MMS messages to 1,200 customers, and Co-operative Travel saw 217% revenue growth and a 95% visitor increase after implementing website personalization.

Content marketers recognize the opportunities in influencer marketing, content marketing, and other approaches that deliver what their audiences want or need, and the great value of personalized content is the reason for this. The leap to personalization starts with small steps – ask visitors for a name and email address in exchange for more data and a wealth of content. Using the data you have, launch lead conversion campaigns and add more personal info with time.

This will help you forge trust and reduce audiences’ resistance to information sharing. Data can be put to work in many ways thereafter. Writers could also personalize calls to action in their posts and on their sites.

Creating personalized, concise, and conversational content is a surefire way to increase your conversion rates in 2019. Add some visuals and you won’t believe how well it works!

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When it comes time to pick a content provider, a bargain isn’t always the best way to go. Content is more than filler; it’s what draws visitors to your site, but inspired content keeps them there. It keeps them coming back. Content is a relationship. It’s your brand. We get it. Furthermore, we can deliver it. Contact us today for a quote.


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