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Iris Content 2019 Guide: Your Content Creation Tips for Technology Services

Maria Howard

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Marketing, as a whole, has been one of the ever-evolving fields. Going into 2019, content marketing still holds the position of the most widely-used practice for striking higher revenue and increasing the number of customers.

If you have been in the technology industry for some time, you can surely see how events unfolded. It is no longer about how good you are and how you can change the lives of clients with your services. Now, the main focus is set on building trust and a good reputation. If potential clients can relate to your business and if your content strategy can convince them that you actually care about them and not only about their money, increased profits will follow since people will value your efforts.

We are just at the start of 2019, so why not make this year better than the last one? We give you the best content creation tips for technology services that you can use to your advantage.

The Current State of The Market

According to SelectUSA, IT services in the U.S. holds over a quarter of the global IT market which is worth a total of $3.8 trillion. Since 2014, the number of jobs in this field has grown to 10.5 million jobs – a total of 14.6% increase.

There are over 100.000 registered IT services companies on a national level, however, only 1% of them fall in the category of large companies. Even 99% of the total number of companies have less than 500 employees.

Still, this industry isn’t in isolation. Its sub sectors are also continuing to develop at a rapid pace.

For example, as stated in a report published by Gartner, the cloud computing industry was worth $153.5 billion in 2017. This number increased to projected $186.4 billion in 2018.

Digital ads spendings are also increasing across all technology branches at an average of 16.6% annually. As stated by eMarketer, the digital ads spendings in IT will hit the $10 billion mark by 2019, compared to $5.5 billion in 2016.

Create Your Buyer Persona(s)

As a tech company, you will mainly be involved in B2B content marketing. The buyer persona will vary in terms of the solution you need to provide them with since there is no one-size-fits-all formula when it comes to tech solutions.

To establish your ideal buyer, take a look at your clients at the moment. For a company in the tech branch, you will be probably dealing with CEOs, CFOs, IT specialists or office managers.

Pro content creation tip for technology services: Adjust your content calendar to evenly distribute content between the established buyer personas. A CEO and an IT specialist will be interested in different aspects of the same story. In order to reach out to both of them, you need a different approach. Creating a case study about a successful project will be of an interest to the CEO – they want a social proof of your work. IT specialists, on the other hand, will be more interested in the creation process: what’s the technology behind the idea, how was the execution made possible etc. They will evaluate your expertise based on their own experience, which is why creating several buying personas is a good idea for tech services.

Content Creation Tips for Technology Services: Be Versatile

One of the main misconceptions when it comes to content marketing is that it refers only to blog creation.

Actually, your blog is only one piece of the content strategy puzzle.

Sure, good blog posts can get you really far. Blog posts can be responsible for an increase not only in profit, but also in the number of visitors, leads, conversions and ultimately, loyal customers. Still, your blog is only the place to start but it doesn’t stop there.

Your potential clients are scattered around and they can come to you through different channels. All of those customers have a preferred content type which can be easily discovered – someone who because your customer after watching a video is clearly drawn to the visual explanations rather than textual.

In order to reach out to customers, you need to be versatile and create different types of content: eBooks, videos, infographic, case studies, webinars, podcasts etc.

Bear in mind that in today’s digital era. According to Statista, even 52.2% of the world’s Internet traffic comes from mobile devices. This clearly indicates that your website must be optimized for mobile devices.

Pro content creation tip for technology services: To convince your clients that you are the company that can make it all happen for them, you need to showcase your success first. By showing versatility you are signalizing that you can easily adapt in accordance to what’s required.

Set Realistic Goals

It is only human nature to think that you can do a better job than your competitors. That might be the absolute truth, but it becomes completely irrelevant is people are not aware of that.

Your competitors are out there, fighting their battles in the same way as you. As since they also know how important content marketing is, it makes things even more difficult.

There is still a lot of room to be creative and set yourself apart. Because of the huge competition, you need to set realistic goals that you can achieve in a given time frame and work your way from there.

Things can go wrong if you are trying to achieve too many things by using one simple strategy. Before you even develop the strategy, decide what your goals are.

Are you looking to generate leads, raise brand awareness or simply drive more sales?

Whatever it is, set a clear goal: how many leads, how many followers or how much sales.

A report titled Driving Digital Effectiveness with Product Thinking elaborates on the concept of product thinking, a concept used by the biggest companies in the world such as AirBnB, Spotify and Uber. The repost states that “companies should be able to connect investment with return, allowing them to prioritise their activities more effectively. When done correctly, product thinking also encourages a customer-centric approach, connects teams and individuals with a collective sense of purpose, and returns value more quickly”. In other words, you should be able to fit each of your set goal in the bigger picture and not keep them as separate.

Pro content creation tip for technology services: If your content marketing campaign is not giving you the results you were hoping to get, try doing split testing. By doing so, you can discover what the problems with your strategy are and adapt accordingly without having to start from scratch.

Your Website is the Center of Your Business Universe

If you offer a technology service, there is no way in the world you would be able to get away with a bad website in 2019.

Simply put, will you be considered a credible hairdresser if your hair looks a mess? In the same way – would you be considered as a credible tech company if your website is outdated and full of bugs?

Statistics show that even 75% of consumers judge the book by its cover i.e. what you can provide them with as a company by the way your website looks.

Pro content strategy tip for technology services: When it comes to your website, try to make it as simple to navigate as you can. Statistics show that it takes users only a fraction of a second to form an opinion about a website. Being able to quickly access information is one of the most important traits that a website should have, together with a modern web design and good website speed.

Don’t Forget About SEO

One of the main things about content marketing is improving your ranking on your targeted keywords in the search results.

By doing an extensive keyword research you can work towards ranking on the first page of the search results. Statistics say that the first page of the search results gets 95% of all traffic on the given keyword, so if you want to be found, that’s where you need to be.

Pro content strategy tip if you are looking for the best content creation tips for technology services: Guest blogging is the perfect way of boosting your SEO while at the same time promoting yourself on a third-party website. Consider collaborating with existing clients and create case studies that will provide value to readers.

Creating a successful content marketing strategy as a tech business doesn’t have to be a complicated process if you set your goals right. These content strategy tips will help you get on the road to success.

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When it comes time to pick a content provider, a bargain isn’t always the best way to go. Content is more than filler; it’s what draws visitors to your site, but inspired content keeps them there. It keeps them coming back. Content is a relationship. It’s your brand. We get it. Furthermore, we can deliver it. Contact us today for a quote.



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