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Maria Howard

Iris Content Is Two Years Old: A Story That Is All About Partnership and Value

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The following months came with plenty of challenges, ups and downs. To celebrate the second anniversary of our company, we decided to reflect on the past two years and answer some questions about Iris Content and content creation. Today’s interviewee is Diane, our beloved company administrator, a very talented editor and-a recently discovered skill- a networking genius. 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Q:  What is the story behind the creation of Iris Content?

Diane: Our story is about partnership. Almost every day I marvel at how well we three partners work together. We met while we were working elsewhere, and we just clicked. I admire my partners’ hard work, great attitudes, drive, ethics and skills. It’s a rare thing to have absolute faith in partners, but I do. I joke that many marriages aren’t as strong as we are, but I think it’s true. I trust my partners completely. We’re honest with one another, we support one another when we need help and we care about each other on a personal level. I know that they’re doing everything they can to build and operate our business and I’m sure they know that I am, too. That strong partnership, the three of us working together, that’s the story. We’re about a partnership that works.

Q: What were the biggest hurdles that Iris Content had to overcome in its first year?

Diane: That first year we struggled against our own audacity. It’s a gutsy move to bootstrap a company from a small investment and hours, days, weeks and months of hard work. It’s an audacious move to try to make an income during those same hours, days, weeks and months. We had no Plan B, little savings and no full-time jobs other than Iris Content. Sleep was a luxury because we still had to pay our bills. So, yeah. Our biggest hurdle was our own audacity. It was also our biggest motivator. We had some income after just two months and we’ve been growing ever since.

Q: What is the one strong point that makes you different from competitors?

Diane: To paraphrase Stephen King: Talent’s as common as table salt. Iris Content has talented writers, don’t get me wrong, but we stand out because we’re consistent. Our clients know that they order content from us and we deliver. It seems obvious, but I’m surprised how often I hear about competitors, talented competitors, who miss the mark. We respond to our clients quickly, we’re organized, we meet expectations and we deliver on time. Yes, we’re talented writers, but we’re more than that. Clients hire us, and we make the whole writing project seem easy. That’s our edge. We’re consistent.

Q:  Over the last few years, what trends have you observed regarding content needs?

Diane: When I talk to clients, it seems like everyone has his or her own take on the right word count, keyword positioning and SEO strategy. When clients ask me for my opinion, I tell them that my best advice is to A/B test to see what works.

As far as trends go, I think 2017 was the year of the eBook. We wrote a lot of eBooks last year. We’re still writing many of them, but blog posts remain popular, too. It’s hard to beat the results from the regular application of a great SEO strategy and content, so I don’t see blogs going away any time soon.

Q:  Do clients come to you with a clear idea of what they want or do you help them figure out their content strategy?

Diane: Yes! ???? Both kinds of clients come to us. Some have a really good idea of their content needs, but others are unsure why they need content at all. Still others request content strategies, keyword analyses and other services so the content they order brings results. I look forward to listening to clients and giving them advice about their content options. I learn a lot from my clients and I’m always delighted when they’re pleased with our work and advice.

Q:  Do you plan on expanding your range of products and services to include new types of content?

Diane: Yes, absolutely. We’re always looking to expand and grow, but also to challenge ourselves as writers. When I encounter a client in a business that’s new to us, or one that has a unique spin on existing business concepts, it’s always fun. We learn something new all the time and it’s terrific. The three of us have been professional writers for years and we’ve assembled a writing team of real pros, too. It’s tough to stump us with a new writing product, but we certainly welcome the challenge!

Q:  Where do you think the world of content creation is headed in the future?

Diane: I think good, compelling content will always be popular. There’s upcoming competition from AI, but I believe in the power of the human voice and experience. I think that AI content will have a place in exposition, but humans must always provide the narrative context. Good stories, well told, will always be in style. For that, we’ll need emotions, experience and soul.

Q:  How do you see Iris Content in five or ten years?

Diane: I see Iris Content as a cutting-edge content agency with a strong writing team and a vibrant voice. I’d like to explore other kinds of content creation and bring on the talents of visual communicators in addition to our writing team. I like the idea of approaching concepts from different angles and using different media to connect with audiences in whatever mode they enjoy using whatever technology they employ.

For all that we achieved in these two fleeting years, we still strive to deliver more and better work. We are honored and humbled that our clients entrust us with their writing projects, and will work even harder to enact our core belief: everyone deserves high quality content delivered consistently.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our team of writers for their dedication and consistency; we couldn’t have done it without you. To all of you who have contributed to the success of this enterprise, thank you! It’s been an amazing journey so far and we’re excited to find out what the future holds. Here’s to another year of success.

With deep appreciation,

The Iris Content Team

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