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Is Your Business on Top of Digital Marketing Trends? A Few Actionable Tips to Follow
The world of digital marketing is constantly changing. Even though your industry may stay the same for years, the methods that you use to market your business will change. This is especially the case when you are marketing your business in the digital world.
One of the biggest challenges for any business owner is implementing a digital marketing strategy. With so many options and angles, it can be hard to determine what is best for your business. This makes the task of developing an effective digital marketing strategy feel like an uphill battle they can never win.
If you are a business owner trying to stay on top of trends and successfully implement an effective digital marketing strategy, these tips will help you stay on top of the game.
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A Few Helpful Resources to Stay on Top of Digital Marketing Trends
As we just mentioned, the digital marketing realm changes at a rapid pace—sometimes it can literally change in a matter of days. Staying on top of changing trends can be time consuming, but there are several sources to help ensure that you don’t get left behind on the newest digital marketing trends.
These are a few resources you can use to keep yourself educated in terms of altering trends, algorithm updates, and more:
Podcasts can be a very helpful source to keep your digital marketing strategy on trend. You can download podcasts in almost any niche that you can think of, especially digital marketing. Many podcasts are updated once per week and give overviews of the newest updates. Pick a few podcasts that cover a range of digital marketing topics, such as social media, content marketing, and SEO. This way, you can have a lot of your bases covered all in one source.
BuzzSumo will also help you stay on top of trending topics in the digital marketing realm. Instead of spending hours searching all over the Internet for the most helpful content, the best content can come to you. BuzzSumo will aggregate the most popular content within a specified time period and display it all in one convenient source. Popularity is mostly sorted by social signals, such as likes, shares, and re-tweets.
If you prefer to do things the old fashioned way and sort through content on your own, a few of the best sources for learning new digital marketing trends include Search Engine Journal, Social Media Examiner.
You could spend endless hours every week doing research for your digital marketing strategy, but these resources will help save you loads of time.
Determine Where Your Time is Best Spent
You’ll quickly find out that there are tons of digital marketing trends to choose from, but the truth is that not every trend will apply to your business. For example, a local mechanic shop probably won’t see much traction on Pinterest. But there’s a good possibility to have some success with pay-per-click advertising on Google, and even YouTube marketing. The idea is to be selective on the platforms where you promote your business, as tapping into every platform isn’t an efficient way to spend time or money.
Put a Plan in Place with an Editorial Calendar
Once you have your resources ready to go, you’ll need a plan to implement those digital marketing trends. One of the most effective ways to do this is to get organized with an editorial calendar. You can use editorial calendars for blog posts, social media postings, and more. They’re extremely helpful for keeping your digital marketing strategy on track and moving your plan in the right direction.
Since editorial calendars can be used for both content marketing and social media marketing, it can be helpful to blend the two together into one convenient resource. You can decide on a blog post topic, select its publishing date, and line up all of the publishing platforms where you plan to promote (LinkedIn, Google+, Facebook, etc.). You can even break it down into publishing times with AM/PM, or an exact time of day that you’d like your post to be sent out.
Your editorial calendar is an essential asset to keeping your digital marketing strategy on track, and not leave you stuck wondering what and when to post. Whether you’re using your calendar for social media or blogging, it’s a must-have component for your digital strategy in 2016.
Consistency and Strategy Are of Outmost Importance
If you’re really looking to get ahead with your digital marketing strategy in 2016, you must be consistent. This means that you need to set a blogging schedule and stick to it. Furthermore, you’ll also need to adhere to a consistent social media publishing schedule. All too often, business owners will haphazardly post on social media platforms without any result, and in turn give up before they’re able to pick up momentum. It’s very difficult to get results out of digital marketing if you aren’t consistent, and it’s vital for your success.
The other side of the coin of consistency is strategic application. You need to have an end goal in mind with your digital marketing strategy, and ideally this goal will have measureable metrics such as traffic numbers, cost-per-click, impressions, and more.
What Is Your Digital Marketing Strategy for the Next Half-Year?
Hopefully by now you have a good plan in place for this year’s digital marketing strategy. If not, it will be hard to gauge how your business is performing online. When you need to know exactly where your business website stands in terms of SEO, our online scanner will help set the record straight.
Need Help with Determining What Works?
If you are wondering what is missing from your content efforts, our professional team can help you determine the main issues and can help put together a strategic approach.
We offer a free questionnaire that businesses can fill out and send back to us. Based on all the data received from these questionnaires, we are putting together a study/ report that will be offered as a complimentary download to all our clients. We are looking for genuine, real client information on what they believe about the status of their content and where they feel they can improve for better results and ROI. The results will definitely provide an insightful look into the state of content marketing today and what other businesses are doing to get more traction and improve their online marketing results. Real results from real people. Actionable advice from people who are doing this on a daily basis.
Want to know more? Email us or contact us and we can provide more information and send the questionnaire your way. A surprise content planning report is waiting for you if you are willing to contribute to this study.
Annie has 18 years’ experience as an editor and content creator and manager. With work in television and written media, she has dedicated her past 10 years to learning the ropes of online content creation, from writing to editing, from SEO to content management.
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