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Let’s Be Real: What a One Blog per Week Post Can Do for You

Updated: Jan 31, 2021

Your business’ lifeblood is content in the world of content marketing, and a lot of that content comes in the form of blogs. Blogs can win you new clients if you give insight into their inquiries and offer the needed response. One thing is important to remember about successful blogging in 2020: you need to publish blog posts consistently for content marketing to work. Consistent publishing means at least 2 blogs per week for all sites, new or old.

The Optimal Frequency of Blogging in 2020

In terms of conversion and traffic, posting between 2 and 4 times a week is most effective. One should always start with data. In an attempt to shed light on this matter, HubSpot looked at blogging data from almost 14,000 companies. They found that companies that published fewer than four posts a month received 3.5 less traffic compared to those that published 16 or more.

There’s nothing like cold, hard data to argue in favor of frequent blogging. Frequency isn’t the only factor, however. Others involve the type and the size of the company.

Type and Size of Company as Significant Factors

The above-mentioned study found that businesses with 26 to 200 staff members who published just one blog a month achieved half the traffic of those who posted more than 11 times a month. A similar tendency was observed for companies with more than 200 employees and 11 to 25 employees. Both types received around 3.5 times more traffic when they published 11 or more posts a month compared to those who published just one over the same period of time.

Companies with 10 employees or fewer, which published over 11 blogs per month, had twice as much traffic as companies who published 2 – 5 posts a month. They had three times more traffic than companies publishing just one monthly post.

Blogging Frequency of B2B versus B2C Companies

The blogging frequency of B2B vs. B2C was studied as well. The correlation between traffic to the site and number of posts for B2C companies was consistent. For B2B companies, the situation was a bit more complex. There was a positive correlation between traffic and frequency. Companies that blogged twice a week on average had slightly more traffic than companies that blogged just once a month. A statistically significant difference was observed for companies that published at least 11 posts. Traffic to their sites was 300% higher on average than traffic to sites that blogged only once.

The Connection Between Leads and Blog Posts

When it comes to blogging in 2020, we can conclude that quality content definitely attracts leads. While that seems logical, there was no concrete proof until now. Before, only content quantity was associated with higher traffic. Studies on its quality were few and far between. Quality content is that which resonates with its audience. There is a simple principle in content marketing: don’t publish anything you wouldn’t want your name on. The response to mediocre content will never be anything more than mediocre.

Lead Generation and Frequency

Hubspot’s study found that companies with fewer than 25 employees got the best returns on leads when they published 10 or more blogs monthly. When they published 11 or more blogs a month, they generated double the leads compared to companies publishing an average of two posts a week.

Companies with 26 to 200 staff members, which posted 11 or more blog entries a month, got more than twice the leads than those who blogged three times or less often. Finally, the study found big companies with over 200 staff members did best when they blogged six times a month or more often. The companies who did this obtained 1.75 times more leads than those who posted less often than six times a month.

Blogging in 2020 Starts with Having a Plan

Companies tend to dive into content marketing without a solid plan. There’s nothing wrong with being energetic and enthusiastic. Statistics show that the first month and a half is really exciting with flowing content. After that, however, you begin to notice that many of the visitors to your site are failing to convert. You’re also getting fewer views than before. Soon enough, content marketing – and inbound marketing in general – drop down on your list of priorities.

The right plan for blogging in 2020 starts with defining your audience. Ask yourself who you’re trying to reach. Write down your target group’s features and share them with your team.

Now, ask what questions this target group or customer might have that you could provide the answer to. When you’re meeting potential customers, what conversations do you have with them? What do they ask about most often? What do they want to know? What are they concerned about? Your posts should be about these and other pertinent issues. You can demonstrate expertise by focusing your articles around your current and future customers’ questions.

Final Thoughts

If we can draw any conclusions about blogging in 2020, they are: the more often you blog, the more traffic your site will have, and leads and traffic are directly proportional to the number of posts you already have on your blog. To get quality and relevant content without investing any time, it’s a good idea to approach a professional writing service.


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