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Mr. Patel Says Content Writers Are a Problem. We Disagree. With Method
Neil Patel is no doubt one of the big players in the content marketing space. We respect him and his success. He is a force to be reckoned with in this world of online marketing. He knows what he is doing and sometimes, he does speak the truth. Hell, we have been following his words and read his blogs anywhere he publishes. He has thousands of followers on social media and is preoccupied with the future of content marketing. He even has 10 years of experience in writing for the online industry (the three founders of our little copywriting agency have 45+ collective years of online writing experience, but who is even counting?)
So, we should all just swallow his words and advice and try to put them to practice. Right?
Wrong! Not when the aim of such controversial posts as the one we will just try to argue against is to sell more.
The piece we would like to argue against is his recent post, How to Fix the 4 Biggest Problems with Content Writers.
According to Mr. Patel, the problem with content (many of us weren’t even aware there seems to be a problem with content, when the industry is booming) lies with the writers. How to put it mildly? We disagree. We think this article starts from a false premise and reaches a valid conclusion, based on nothing else but a visibility stunt. In other words, it has nothing against content writers, nor does it have any valid argument against professional content creation, it just builds on a false premise to attract readership.
Let’s break down his points and delve a little deeper.
Problem 1 – Content Writers Lack Topic Experience
Mr. Patel argues that it’s difficult to find content writers with in-depth industry experience. He reasons that to write amazing content, you need to know your stuff inside out.
We agree that you do need to be using quality content to grow your business and bring in customers. You should be using content to create brand awareness and engage with your customers.
Content writers understand these goals. We feel that experience and thorough research weigh in more when writing for online businesses.
In all these years spent managing content and copywriting processes for various clients, we were able to work with so many kinds of writers. Granted, there are those who couldn’t give a damn… For those, there is no hope. They are found on such low-paying content slums like Upwork, from whence they keep bringing offence to the writer’s trade by accepting slave rates for subpar content. Yes, they will remain run of the mill content writers and yes, hiring one person who only knows how to write SERP bait content will actually hurt your business.
But, thank God, there are those who actually deserve the name ‘content writers.’ These are professionals spreading themselves thin and ready to dedicate their time and effort on tackling any topic thrown their way. These are quality writers who understand online content writing and will spare no effort in researching your industry thoroughly and putting together work that will provide value and manage to captivate your audience.
Make no mistake: quality is the only thing that will keep your business going. Quality content created by writers who have the know-how and are willing to invest their professional values in crafting your projects. That and only that will keep your readers and customers coming back.
Problem 2 – Boring Industry = Boring Content
Highly arguable point…. Mr. Patel says “content writers think that a boring industry necessitates a boring blog.” This is pure assumption and based on no actual facts. Sorry…. We have worked with more than 400 content writers and copywriters over the years. Not a single one has ever voiced such belief.
There is no such thing as boring content, if you know how to put it together. If you know how to twist a less interesting topic and craft it into something stellar. This is all in the power of a seasoned and interested writer. In the hands of a true professional.
There is no chemical element that is more boring and less appealing than Carbon, we think. Nothing engaging about it. Think of “your boring industry” as Carbon. It speaks to no one: boring color, boring texture, who would be interested in it? People may need it and end up buying it, but there is nothing interesting you can do about content supporting your business. And yet… out of Carbon diamonds are made. Look at the many facets of a diamond, at the way it captures and diffuses light, look at its sheer perfection. You could stare at it for hours on end! A diamond is what an experienced, well-meaning copywriter can turn your boring Carbon-based business into.
There’s a reason why you do what you do, and writers write, they find the words that should create perfection and appeal where there seems to be none. It’s what quality freelance content writers are good at.
When it comes to ideas and content writing, a knowledgeable writer is able to wear many hats. They can bring each and every one of their content writing jobs to life.
Problem 3 – Writers Don’t Offer Helpful Resources
Take a look at incredible examples of content writing. Talk to content writers who have been in the business for many years. You’ll find they are only too happy to conduct in-depth research to understand your brand. They want to know what your audience wants, .and they want to give it to them.
When it comes to writing for the web tips, top writers will tell you they want to create a voice for your business. They want to create both long and short-term strategies for your content.
These endeavors are not simple internet searches. It can take time to grasp the best concepts for your business. Many businesses don’t have that kind of time on their hands.
Working with a writer who knows how to write content for your website will free up your busy schedule. You’ll have more time to do what you do best – concentrate on building your business.
Blog Content Writing Services Are Not a One-Size-Fits-All
No two businesses are alike. Even if you try to mimic successful companies in your industry, there will always be differences.
It’s exactly the same with effective content. And content writers.
It is easy to advertise for online content writer jobs. Yet, you may get a writer who is too quick to offer a “one size fits all” solution for your content.
We don’t agree.
We believe in offering an experienced and professional blog content writing service. Our writers take the time to devise unique content solutions to help grow your business and brand.
So, is Mr. Patel right? He concludes that content writers don’t understand their audience and this way, they cannot act like content marketers for your business or product.
But then, in the next few lines, he insists that he has found a solution. He says: “allow your content writers plenty of time to research the industry and audience.” Oh, so what is meant here is: content is dead, long live content… After spending a whopping 1500+ words on a post about how content writers have it all wrong and are a problem for the industry, the author concludes the solution to the content writer issue is the content writer. Why? Because content is alive and kicking and it will be for the upcoming foreseeable future. For tens of years from now, no online presence would be possible without writers. Interesting perspective, don’t you think?
The Real Solution
We believe in allowing our writers the space and time to conduct thorough research. This allows them to craft the perfect voice for your content.
Not sure who you want to reach out to? We’ll guide you with that, too.
Content marketing is here to stay, with new clothes and a revamped look, under new rules and regulations, but it is here and it will continue to be.
Hire a professional content writing service that keeps up-to-date with the dynamic world of online writing.
Talk to us about your business’s content writing jobs today.

Annie has 18 years’ experience as an editor and content creator and manager. With work in television and written media, she has dedicated her past 10 years to learning the ropes of online content creation, from writing to editing, from SEO to content management. [/et_pb_text][et_pb_social_media_follow admin_label=”Social Media Follow” global_module=”1314″ global_parent=”387″ link_shape=”rounded_rectangle” background_layout=”light” url_new_window=”off” follow_button=”off” saved_tabs=”all”] [et_pb_social_media_follow_network social_network=”facebook” url=”https://www.facebook.com/IrisWebContent/” skype_action=”call” bg_color=”#6d3a6b”] facebook [/et_pb_social_media_follow_network][et_pb_social_media_follow_network social_network=”twitter” url=”https://twitter.com/Iris_Content” skype_action=”call” bg_color=”#6d3a6b”] Twitter [/et_pb_social_media_follow_network][et_pb_social_media_follow_network social_network=”google-plus” url=”https://plus.google.com/109475049038523411338″ skype_action=”call” bg_color=”#6d3a6b”] Google+ [/et_pb_social_media_follow_network][et_pb_social_media_follow_network social_network=”rss” url=”http://feeds.feedburner.com/IrisContent” skype_action=”call” bg_color=”#6d3a6b”] RSS [/et_pb_social_media_follow_network] [/et_pb_social_media_follow][et_pb_cta admin_label=”Blog post honeycomb CTA – trust” global_module=”1329″ saved_tabs=”all” title=”Trust Iris Content with your Brand’s Content” button_url=”https://iriscontent.com/contact-us/” url_new_window=”off” button_text=”Contact Us” use_background_color=”off” background_color=”#1f041e” background_layout=”dark” text_orientation=”left” header_text_color=”#fce1c1″ body_text_color=”#fce1c1″ use_border_color=”off” border_color=”#ffffff” border_style=”solid” custom_button=”on” button_letter_spacing=”0″ button_use_icon=”default” button_icon=”%%238%%” button_icon_placement=”right” button_on_hover=”on” button_letter_spacing_hover=”0″]
When it comes time to pick a content provider, a bargain isn’t always the best way to go. Content is more than filler; it’s what draws visitors to your site, but inspired content keeps them there. It keeps them coming back. Content is a relationship. It’s your brand. We get it. Furthermore, we can deliver it. Contact us today for a quote.