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Responding to Your Audience: Six Ways to Get It Right

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Responding to audience readership is a multi-faceted tool which, if used correctly, can significantly impact your company for the better. The following content marketing advice will help you get it right.

Why Audience Response Is Important

What distinguishes a good blog from a great one? The answer is audience. Growing an audience is one of the most crucial steps in curating a strong company brand. In the company blogging world, your audience is everything.   But, you might be wondering if the time spent writing each blog post is worth it. Is anyone even reading the posts? Let’s compare a company publishing at least sixteen blogs per month against a company publishing up to four. According to HubSpot, the sixteen-blog company receives 3.5x more traffic and 4.5x more leads than its competitor. In fact, HubSpot found that return on investment can increase 13x just by prioritizing blogging.   So, yes. Not only are people reading your blogs, but your audience is directly linked to company traffic, leads and investment returns. To help you, we’ve distilled our best audience-based content marketing advice into six steps. Each step is a bite-size tip or trick designed to help you correctly respond to your audience and their needs.

1. Know Who You’re Engaging

No matter your audience size, the fact that you have an audience at all is an achievement. Having an audience means you have struck a chord with a certain demographic. Congratulations on your successful engagement! The difficult part now is how you respond to the audience you have. You need to know who your readers are so you can figure out what they want and how to respond. Consider researching your company page’s audience demographics or readership statistics. Perhaps you have a target audience or have a good idea based on website comments. Figuring out who is the first step to understanding what they want, why they want it, and how to respond to that need.

2. Supply Their Demand

Once you know who your readers are, you can give them what they want. Offer supply to their demand. One of the best pieces of content marketing advice is to respond to your audience by keeping them keen. Your blogs should be on relevant topics that are easy to understand, actionable and useful to your audience. Keep their attention by creating content which places your company in an authority position built on authentic knowledge of content. Know what your audience wants and give it to them.

3. Keep It Fresh

Responding to your audience is also a matter of timing. Creating sixteen or more blog posts in a month is ideal. This means you should be aiming to write a blog post every two days. Why? A company’s blog is an excellent way to showcase the company’s marketing content efforts. Turning over blogs so quickly keeps the content on your company page fresh. It also bumps up audience traffic and leads. Creating more content to engage audience response is one of our top content marketing advice tips.

4. Relevancy Reset

The internet, blogs and audiences are all cogs in an evolving online machine. All of the pieces are constantly changing. It would be silly, then, to keep supplying your audience’s demand in the same way. If you’re rehashing ancient history, it is time for a relevancy reset. Think about present events and how they impact your audience. Make sure to keep up-to-date with current trends and topics that your audience is talking about. What do they want to know right now? How can you make your blog helpful to the reader at this very moment? Maintaining relevancy in response to your audience is a surefire way to keep them coming back for more.

5. Start Discussions

Once you’ve mastered timing and relevancy, the next piece of content market advice is to create content that prompts discussions. Nothing generates feedback and audience readership more than content which creates a conversation all on its own. Use the knowledge you’ve acquired about current events relevant to your audience. Respond to their enthusiasm with topics they can sink their teeth into and debate. Is there a hot topic currently making the rounds that you think would be an excellent discussion starter? Write a blog about it and engage your audience by starting a discussion. Discussion pieces are great because they prompt a feedback loop where views and comments beget more views and comments. This, in turn, generates more traffic.

6. Answer Authentically

Of course, not all questions are matters of discussion. Some audience questions require your professional answer. Always maintain the utmost level of authenticity when responding to audience questions. Respond to audience queries by showing them just how well you know your subject area. Let them know that you speak the truth, and that you have their best interests at heart. Gaining audience trust is crucial to setting your company apart from the rest. But earning trust is a slow process. Building trust is achieved when the audience repeatedly responds to your content. For that reason, this piece of content marketing advice is perhaps the hardest to measure because it takes time. But, if you consistently upload relevant, authentic content and answer all questions honestly, then audience trust won’t be far behind.

Getting It Right

There are a few ways to nail responding to your audience. Know who you’re engaging and what they want. Supply their demand. Keeps your blogs on a quick turnaround. Be relevant. Start discussions and answer authentically. These six pieces of content marketing advice are the keys to responding to your audience the right way. Not only will they help you get it right, but they will also help your company to keep moving forward.

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