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Social Content Marketing Tips For 2019: How To Engage Your Audience

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Why do people share on social media? The main reasons are to develop connections with others, to bring others valuable, interesting, and enlightening content, and to define themselves. Last but not least, they do it to support brands they like and/or causes they believe in. Let’s explore the best social content marketing tips for 2019 from experts and delve into the science of emotion and audience engagement on social media.

Engage Your Audience by Personalizing Content

We’ve heard that consumers mainly use emotions in their perception of content. Factual information takes a back seat. And it’s not such hearsay – neuro-imaging studies have proven it. Emotion can be a very strong engagement tactic, but it needs to be used skillfully.

One way to do this is to prioritize and personalize. Content marketing is all about the social media audience. Experts with Forbes Magazine recommend taking your top-performing content and modifying it to align with the needs of your most important type of customer. Different age groups consume and share content at different times. Data from a survey by Fractl and BuzzStream titled “The Generational Content Gap” show the majority of Millennials and Generation X representatives consume content late in the evening, while most Baby Boomers do so between 5 am and 12 pm.

What Do People Share?

Visuals, blog articles, and comments are the most commonly consumed content by all three generations. Most commonly, people share pictures and stories about family and friends, gifts and funny videos, advice blog posts, coupons and discounts, educational videos, and news articles. This knowledge helps marketers find the best content type that their audience on social media can relate to.

The four main content categories are: convincing, entertaining, educational, and inspiring. The marketing approach is then tailored accordingly. If one wants to market inspiring content, they need to appeal to people’s emotions. One way to do this is by means of color. Color can have a very effective impact on the emotional response of an audience. Studies have shown that people are four times more likely to read content if color visuals are present in it.

A good way to grab and sustain attention is by using colors in ways that have been scientifically proven to provoke certain emotions. For instance, purple lends an air of exclusivity, red evokes strong emotions, green creates a sense of calm, and white gives rise to associations of elegance. The use of white worked in company Peel’s favor – their streamlined, visually appealing Instagram feed contributed to a 16-fold increase of sales of their cell phone cases. However, color wasn’t the only factor. They also reply to every inquiry on Instagram personally and use Facebook video ads to engage with current and future customers.

Where Do People Share?

According to the Huffington Post, the most popular social content sites are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, and Yelp. Therefore, marketers are advised to focus their content on a few of these channels.

Active Audience Participation

Always have a good, believable story behind your social media content to involve the audience. Immersing the viewers in the action is one of the main content marketing tips for 2019. Allowing the audience to take part and interact socially provides a deeper channel to connect emotionally with it.

An Arc of Emotions

According to experts with the Content Marketing Institute, social media content marketing should employ the same drama tactics as advertising, if not to a greater extent than advertising does. Effective social media CM begins with the audience’s motivation. We now revert to the main content categories: convincing, entertaining, educational, and inspiring. What are consumers really looking for – the latest news, practical tips, inspiration? The emotions that need to be provoked depend on the basic motivation.

If the audience is looking for economic news, a content creator will want to evoke reassurance or fear depending on the news. On the other hand, if the reader wants to be inspired, the creator will want to provoke curiosity and amazement.

Final Content Marketing Tips for 2019: All about Interaction

One way to help focus on the readers’ needs is by using infographics. People will choose a well-designed infographic over a block of text on social media any day. This form of interactive content gets more likes and shares and creates more social engagement than almost all other types of content. You don’t need thousands of dollars to make an infographic – it is sufficient to make one with a few basic elements.

Interactive content is the best way to stimulate engagement and get your audience to share on social media with you. Hallmark examples of this are converting a blog post into an assessment or quiz. People are naturally curious about how they compare to others, so let them see!

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When it comes time to pick a content provider, a bargain isn’t always the best way to go. Content is more than filler; it’s what draws visitors to your site, but inspired content keeps them there. It keeps them coming back. Content is a relationship. It’s your brand. We get it. Furthermore, we can deliver it. Contact us today for a quote.


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