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Where will Stranger Things take viewers next season?
Which new adventures will the young gang of friends (and frenemies) experience, endure and even enjoy?
Ever since the international hit series Stranger Things first hit Netflix, it found a clever and creative way to captivate audiences and keep them coming back for more. With the recently released teaser trailer for the show’s highly-anticipated third season, the Duffer Brothers have successfully managed to bait and hook the show’s massive fanbase once again. The only step left is to reel them in once the 8-episode season debuts.
You may be a huge fan of Stranger Things who binge-watched the first two seasons of the hit sci-fi series within a single weekend (if not sooner). On the other hand, you may have just heard about Stranger Things for the first time recently with all the online buzz generated by the now-viral teaser trailer for the third season. Conversely, you might be familiar with the show by simply not be a fan at all. Whether you love or hate the show, the new Stranger Things teaser teaches a profound lesson on content building that you should take seriously and apply to your own content development strategies.
Settings Can Be Explored Even More than Subjects
Most content creators shift their primary focus to the subject of their articles, blogs and news stories. Even fiction writers and storytellers seem to allocate most of their word count to the characters within the story instead of shining the literary spotlight on the setting of the story.
When you want to develop solid content that is ready and waiting for expansion and follow-ups, you should take a note from the Stranger Things playbook and breathe life into the setting of the story along with the characters or subjects.
The Season 3 teaser could have transported viewers back to any of the familiar settings from the first two seasons. For instance, it could have been set in the Byer’s home – such as in the living room with the alphabet printed on the wall. It could have also been at the school, the Hawkins Radio Shack store, Hawkins Laboratory or even the home of Maxine Mayfield and her violent stepbrother Billy.
Either of those settings would have fulfilled the objective of picking up where Season 2 left off. Either setting would have at least met the expectation of Stranger Things fans and critics – stimulating their appetite and building even more excitement about the inevitable announcement of the Season 3 premiere date. However, the Duffer Brothers apparently wanted to take a different route by introducing a fresh, new setting – the Starcourt Mall.
Don’t Reveal All Your Cards at Once
Another important lesson in content development and building by the Stranger Things Season 3 teaser is the need to leave some stones unturned. The last thing you want to do is play all your cards at once – giving away all your knowledge and insight within the same story, article, blog or social media post. In addition to pulling the plug on your long-term content building plan, you will also jeopardize the long-term growth of your online presence by doing so. It is highly recommended to leave certain questions unanswered while also making room for a fresh, new list of questions to emerge.
After watching the 2-minute clip of the Stranger Things Season 3 teaser, perhaps the only question answered addresses what Steve Harrington (played by actor Joe Keery) does for work when he is not at school.
Take a moment to think about all the unanswered questions, though, such as:
Where is Eleven or the rest of the gang?
What happened to the Demogorgons?
Will the Demogorgons make an appearance in Season 3 at Starcourt Mall?
Why exactly where all the popular storefronts from the 1980s shown in the teaser?
Why does Steve Harrington look so unhappy?
What about Jim Hopper and Joyce Byers? Are they a couple yet?
Will Max Mayfield and her stepbrother Billy finally get along?
Does Billy have any superpowers or perhaps a background consisting of alien contact that explains his violent tendencies from Season 2 and hatred of Lucas?
You could more than likely add a much longer list of questions related to Stranger Things Season 3 to this blog… and that is the point. When you develop high-quality content, you need to make sure that you leave plenty of room for unanswered questions. While expressing your insight and expertise, you should also provide your readers and viewers with an open invitation to come back for more.
Have a Clear Vision and Conclusion in Mind
All good things must come to an end – including content within a specific setting or subject. As you grow your online presence, your desire to move on and create quality content will become crystal clear and undeniable. There is nothing wrong with planning your content in advance to know in which direction you want to travel as well as if/when you will reach a destination point.
The Duffer Brothers have already admitted that the Stranger Things journey will not continue for very much longer. At the Season 2 premiere, Ross admitted that “four to five seasons’ is likely” where they would end up. However, by finishing the statement with “…but who knows?”, he still left the door of possibilities wide open. The vision was clear, though, as the Duffer Brothers have admitted that they already know exactly where they want the series to go but just need to figure out “how long it’ll take to get there.”
Do you have that type of long-term vision for your own content? If not, why not.
You can learn a lot from this fictitious sci-fi series that has essentially blended The Goonies with Super 8 and Cloverfield in a way that has attracted people of all ages. The only question that remans is how will you use the lessons taught by the Stranger Things Season 3 teaser to make sure your content never ends up in the “upside down”?
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