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The Best 2018 Blockbusters And What We Can Learn From Their Success

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If you are a fan of the movies, you have probably been to the cinema quite a few times this year. It is safe to say that 2018 was a nostalgia year – the movies that made it big were mainly sequels or spin-offs of some of the most popular blockbusters from the past. As we are closing in on 2018, we will take a look at the biggest blockbusters of the year and what we can learn from their success that we can use in our content marketing in 2019!

Avengers: Infinity War

Ever since comic books first appeared, we can’t really say that they were ever missing in action. Every now and then we would see a new superhero movie being released, but in recent years, comic books are making a strong comeback, rising over all other movies.

The case was such with Avengers: Infinity War. Some called it Marvel’s most ambitious movie so far and in all fairness, the reasons are obvious. Putting a bunch of different superheroes in one movie might seem like a pompous idea, but did it work? Of course it did! Making over $2 billion in the box office, this movie is the highest-earning movie of 2018.

But what can we make out of this movie for our content marketing in 2019? Actually, a lot. It might have been overambitious, but in the end it paid off. However, executing something of that caliber takes a lot of planning. If you have a very daring idea that you would like to turn into reality don’t just jump straight into it. Plan every step of the execution before taking the leap of faith.

Whatever your 2019 content marketing is about, make sure all of the pieces fit into a puzzle. Many people didn’t even know half of the characters that appeared in Avengers: Infinity War. However, since they liked the movie, they started to become interested in the backstories of the characters. That’s when they understood where Dr Strange got his powers from or why Thor and Loki had their ups and downs. Do the same thing with your content – segment it in different articles, leaving a trail that your customers can follow and explore the topic further.

Black Panther

Holding the second place in the box office for 2018, Black Panther was yet another superhero movie that created a lot of buzz. With Hollywood being constantly accused of whitewashing in recent years, turning the story of an African-American superhero into a movie was more than welcomed. This is actually the first comic book adaptation where we saw a black superhero. The world certainly appreciated the fact that the movie was true to the original character from the comic books created in 1966.

Being the first to explore something is what you should thrive in your content marketing in 2019. It doesn’t need to literally mean being the first, but rather being the most unique and pay the greatest attention to details in comparison to your competitors.

Another very important content marketing lesson we can learn from Black Panther is that getting the timing right is of an essence. This movie was released in January, which might seem illogical for movies of this genre. However, had it been released in the summer,  it would have probably fallen into the shadow of other great movies that went out at the same time. When it comes to content marketing, make sure you get the timing right. Some of the guidelines are pretty obvious, for example, don’t write about Christmas in April. However, don’t write about Christmas on Christmas Eve either. To get the timing right, you need to learn when people are starting to feel the buzz about something. Chances are, people will probably start researching about Christmas gifts even in October, so direct your content marketing strategy to fuel the fuss early on before your competitors start doing it.

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom

The second part of Jurassic World made a whopping $1.3 billion in the box office, making it the third highest grossing movie of the year. However, the reviews weren’t that great, scoring 48% out of 100% on Rotten Tomatoes. A lot of people argued that Jurassic World is riding on the success of Jurassic Park, and that is not far off from the truth.

What does this tell you about your content marketing in 2019? When in doubt, don’t be afraid to call upon your old (but gold) content. Dust off the old idea and revive the content that brought you success in the past. Even if the outcome isn’t as brilliant as you hoped it to be, people will still be interested to see the final product. And remember – criticism is good. It might be a weak effort compared to the glory days, yet it will still bring people on your website when you take them on a trip down memory lane. It is a risk worth taking.

Your content marketing in 2019 can reach a great success if planning and executing are done right. However, don’t forget about the human factor i.e. that it is all about your customers. If you pull the right strings, the benefits you will get to enjoy might be even higher than you hoped for.

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When it comes time to pick a content provider, a bargain isn’t always the best way to go. Content is more than filler; it’s what draws visitors to your site, but inspired content keeps them there. It keeps them coming back. Content is a relationship. It’s your brand. We get it. Furthermore, we can deliver it. Contact us today for a quote.


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