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The Best Marketing Campaigns of 2018 And What They Teach Us

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Marketing is essential if a business wants to be successful. One of the biggest issues is techniques are constantly changing and evolving. It allows innovation and creativity, but the content marketing world can be daunting for businesses.

Content marketing in 2019 will depend on adaptability and putting the consumers needs above everything else. We can learn a lot from other companies and how their campaigns showed these key abilities. Here are some of the best marketing campaigns in 2018 and how we can apply them for content marketing in 2019.

Weight Watchers

The Campaign

Weight Watchers is one of the largest diet companies in the world and people turn to them for tips, and support when trying to lose weight. While their case studies still attract customers, they needed to increase their social media presence. To do this, they asked music star Khaled to become their ambassador. His freestyle campaign attracted a younger audience and increased Weight Watchers visibility.

What Can We Learn?

It’s important to find someone who can fit in with the ethos of your company. However, combining this with an influencer to connect you to a different audience will enable you to gain more visibility.


The Campaign

Dating giants OkCupid struggle to compete with companies like Match and Plenty of Fish but their DTF campaign certainly increased their visibility. The company redefined the DTF acronym which is regarded as a derogatory term for women. Their campaign changed the wording to say more positive things such as “Down to Fall in Love” and the LGBTQ community welcomed the campaign.

What Can We Learn?

According to information from AdWeek, the campaign boosted the companies social media mentions by 50%. Not everyone received the adverts warmly but content marketing in 2019 will focus more on audience satisfaction rather than boardroom approval.


The Campaign

LinkedIn shifted their focus to social media in 2018 and asked their audience “What are you in it for?” The idea was to get the public to tell them what motivates them and why they push themselves to succeed. The campaign featured at the Golden Globes and people from different professions appeared in the video. The advertisement brought people together from across the globe, by showing that everyone is on LinkedIn to succeed.

What Can We Learn?

User Generated Content is growing in popularity and the LinkedIn campaign shows why it works. It involves customers in a business, but also boosts the credibility by showing that consumers believe in your product or service.


The Campaign

IKEA promoted their college dorm collection by using ASMR (autonomous sensory meridian response). Their 25 minute long form videos showed students how to make their dorm rooms relaxing.

What Can We Learn?

The company showed younger customers that their products are useful and can also appeal to their wants and needs. The ASMR trend is growing, and if companies use the right techniques they can capitalize on new trends.

Dove and Steven Universe

The Campaign

We usually associate Dove with adult women, but the company paired with the Cartoon Network show Steven Universe to appeal to adolescents and parents. They didn’t mention their products through the cartoons and instead shifted the focus onto positive body image and self-esteem. The company also added helpful guides to the projects homepage which gave advice to parents and kids about common issues.

What Can We Learn?

Brand focus so much on sales, they often forget about their image. By providing useful information to consumers, Dove showed their customers their products don’t matter as much as the companies ethos. They promote self esteem and increased their credibility among the public with the campaign.


The Campaign

Easterseals Southern California is an organization that helps individuals with disabilities. Their “Change the way you see disability” campaign champions social change by promoting inclusion. The main aim is to show that people with disabilities want to be included, not excluded and highlights what the organization offers.

What Can We Learn?

The campaign will continue to hit multiple advertising channels and asks people to promote inclusion for all. It’s a positive message, and the stories featured in the videos, posters and social media show that people with disabilities still want to be included.

The Takeaway

Content marketing in 2019 will show some popular companies changing their usual advertising methods to reach wider audiences, promote their brand and increase their credibility. The biggest thing we can learn from these companies is that adaptation and innovation are the keys to success. Learning how to reach the public is vital, but with the support of a content marketing company any brand can make a big impact.

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When it comes time to pick a content provider, a bargain isn’t always the best way to go. Content is more than filler; it’s what draws visitors to your site, but inspired content keeps them there. It keeps them coming back. Content is a relationship. It’s your brand. We get it. Furthermore, we can deliver it. Contact us today for a quote.


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