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The Best Video Ads Of 2018: The Power Of A Strong Message

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Video advertising maintains its popularity and the trend will continue in the future. Not only do consumers spend a lot of time watching TV shows, movies and videos on YouTube, they also respond to video advertising. Videos will dominate content marketing in 2019 and companies will need to cater to the needs of consumers. With little spare time, people are turning to video instead of text to get their information.

In 2017, website Wyzowl published their estimates on video use for 2018. The data suggested that 81% of businesses would use video marketing as an advertising tool. If the trend continues, then most organizations will use it in 2019. In order to reach consumers and appeal to them, we need to know how to create appealing video content. Here are some examples of the best video adverts in 2018 and how we can learn from them for content marketing in 2019.


Budweiser decided against promoting their beer this year and focused on showing their ethical stance. The video showed how much work goes into bottling water, in their response to the many natural disaster affecting the world. They donate drinking water and in 30 years have offered 79 million cans of water to others. With emotive music and a strong social message, Budweiser showed consumers they’re much more than a drinks company.

It’s an important message, because consumers care about a company’s ethics and social responsibility. Budweiser showing they give to others makes consumers more likely to purchase their drinks from the company.


Lexus teamed up with Marvel to create their appealing video advert. It worked by leading consumers to believe that the Black Panther drives a Lexus LS 500 F Sport. The Marvel character is one of the most popular, and the company associated themselves with the upcoming movie. In the advert the Black Panther runs through the streets and dives into the Lexus car.

It’s always great for a company to show they’re relevant and the Marvel universe is dominating the movie industry at the moment. Lexus added some much needed cool points to their brand and appealed to consumers of all ages. The content appealed to younger generations, whilst showing the glamour and subtle luxury Lexus are associated with.

Doritos & Mountain Dew

Who says a battle for supremacy can’t be fun? Doritos and Mountain Dew made waves at the Super Bowl with their ingenious rap battle advert. The company had Morgan Freeman and Peter Dinklage representing each of them and used music from famous rap songs.

The adverts were funny, featured two of the biggest celebrities and left Doritos and Mountain Dew on everyone’s minds. It shows the importance of humor in video advertising and how the use of brand ambassadors can capture the public’s imagination. Video advertising should engage consumers and content marketing in 2019 should incorporate more humor into campaigns.

Amazon – Alexa

One of the biggest adverts in 2018 was Amazon’s Alexa Lost Her Voice campaign. The video advertisement features a crisis at Amazon HQ when Alexa loses her voice. After the initial panic, an assortment of celebrities step up to help the company by providing their own voices for Alexa. Some names included Anthony Hopkins, Rebel Wilson and Cardi B.

Not only did the advert give us some much needed humor, it also highlighted how important the Alexa service is for users. Alexa lost her voice, and it caused a crisis among the public. While the advert is far-fetched, smart technology is expanding and Amazon were able to capture the importance of this and create a “must have” feel to their Alexa voice product.

Burger King

Burger King always struggle to stand out against rival burger giant McDonald’s. However, this year their Bullying Jr video advert gained the company a lot of attention. It’s slightly longer than most video ads, but it’s theme catches onto an important point. The advert shows a young boy being bullied while 88% of diners watch and don’t complain. However, the company also damaged a Whopper burger and received complaints from 95% of their customers.

This shocking video highlights one of the most important issues youths face today. Using real-life testimonials, statistics and subtle humor make for a very engaging viewing experience. Using this content not only captured people’s imaginations, but it also gave Burger King a positive image and increased their visibility. It shows how powerful video advertising can be and why it’s essential for content marketing in 2019.

The Takeaway

Video advertising is one of the best ways to reach an audience, increase a brands visibility or create a positive brand association. There are many ways to deliver video content, and the previous examples show us that the most successful elements to video advertising are:

  1. Using real life testimonies

  2. Delivering subtle humor

  3. Providing valuable information

  4. Keeping the advert short and engaging

  5. Create positive brand association

By taking these key points into account, any company will be ready for content marketing in 2019.

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