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The Freddie Mercury Biopic- A Timeless Lesson In Content Quality

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On 24th October, the world premiere of the highly-anticipated Bohemian Rhapsody movie finally took place in London. In the home country of Freddie Mercury, the United Kingdom, the movie surpassed every other film by far, making £6.4 million in the first three days in the box office. This, by far surpasses A Star is Born which made £2.1 million in the first three days of showing.

Freddie Mercury was undoubtedly one of the best vocals to ever walk on this planet. While critics’ opinions are divided on the movie itself, there is one thing that everybody agrees on – Rami Malek could not have done a better job at portraying one of the most iconic rock stars that this world has ever known.

The thing about Freddie’s vocal is the fact that it truly is timeless – he passed away in 1991, yet if you ask a person who was born in 2000, they will still be able to stomp their foot and sing “We Will Rock You” immediately.

As content marketers, we know that inspiration and valuable lessons can come from all different places, and Bohemian Rhapsody delivers strong messages we can learn from and use in content marketing strategies.

Don’t Be Afraid to Reinvent Yourself and Take Risks

The first lesson comes from Rami Malek himself as an actor.

The versatility of Malek’s career pushed him to the extent where he had to reinvent himself as a character in different roles, and he always seemed to live up to the task according to critics. We even saw him as an actor in the video game Until Dawn where he portrayed a disturbed character as a consequence of losing his two sisters.

However, none of Malek’s previous roles could’ve prepared him for portraying Freddie. It is safe to say that Malek took a big risk by taking on the role – if he failed to be the Freddie that the fans wanted to see, his career could’ve taken a turn for the worse. Instead, Malek absolutely nailed his performance and even became a serious contender for winning an Oscar for Best Actor

Still, Malek’s risk was calculated. To start with, he had the proper physique to step into Mercury’s shoes. He had the needed know-how to approach the role properly. Finally, he had the will to become Freddie in every sense on screen. Risk was involved, yet he probably wouldn’t have taken the chances of ruining his career if he had doubts that he could do it.

Reinventing yourself is what you need to be prepared to do in the world of content marketing. Trends change and modern living forces us to always look for new ways of presenting our business to the world. The most popular content marketing strategies of the last decade no longer work. When in doubt, do what Malek would do – change the way you think and even change how your brand looks. However, keep in mind that the goal is for your business to become a better and more refined version of what it previously was. Always keep the things that make your brand recognizable, but make sure you follow the trends and adjust to them. In fact, the world’s biggest brands have done adjustments that over the years as well.

When it comes to taking risks, be smart and do the math first. There is a huge difference between a calculated risk and a gamble, and your business is not something you should gamble with. If there is enough prosper that taking a risk will be worth it, then work towards it and execute it intelligently. The rewards could be mind-blowing!

LONDON, UK. October 23, 2018: Rami Malek at the world premiere of “Bohemian Rhapsody” at Wembley Arena, London. Image via

Don’t Stick to the Formula

Minor spoiler alert! “We don’t follow formulas,” said the members of Queen to their manager who was trying to force them into making another song that will be similar to their, by then, most popular song “Killer Queen.”

Queen really didn’t follow a formula – they rather followed a style in a very broad sense of the word. In content marketing, there also isn’t a one-size-fits-all formula. It is actually a very vast field where differences between the brands define which one will rise above the competition. So next time you read about a magic formula that will make your brand bigger and better, step aside and think if you can implement what you just read in your overall content marketing strategy purely in the form of advice. Formulas don’t exist – they should be taken in as guidelines within the boundaries of your strategy that will shape your business into a revolutionary brand. Using a formula will only make your brand another one in the line.

Create High-Quality, Timeless Content

Quality is probably one of the most frequently mentioned words in content marketing. Think of Freddie Mercury. He started as an airport worker with Parsi background who not only had a dream, but also a vision of how to make it big. Being active on the scene between 1969 and 1991, Freddie left an incredibly rich discography behind him that lives on even decades after his death. Even when his condition was worsening because of AIDS, he still chose to take part of the Live Aid Concert since he wanted to be there for the people who loved him, but also for the people who were in need.

This last lesson is self-explanatory. Things of great quality, regardless if it is music, film, physical items or content will outlive the unforgiving time. Look at Tiffany&Co for example. The brand is still one of the most popular in their field, and it will be forever tied to the iconic Breakfast at Tiffany’s starring Audrey Hepburn from 1961!

Becoming a timeless brand might seem easier said than done. In reality, to become one such brand, you need to utilize your creative thinking, creation skills and intelligent planning. Because no person and no brand became grand by thinking small or by not taking risks. Think big, but also give 110% to transform your brand into a beast by creating a content marketing strategy that future generations will take as an example they can learn from. And remember – your customer will be there for you if you are there for them.

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