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The Secret To Adopting A Content Culture In Your Organization

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Building an effective and efficient content culture is of paramount importance to large B2B organizations, where different teams are required to generate different content. This article looks at strategies of adopting an adequate content culture and highlights the importance of content marketing expertise as an insurance against repetitive content failure.

Why Is Content Marketing Expertise So Important?

First and foremost, the importance of content marketing expertise is rooted in the constant need for fresh and original content. Every SEO team is perpetually working to generate a sufficient amount of viable and attention-gripping web content that will survive the algorithms of the Almighty and drive genuine search traffic around particular keywords or phrases.

To succeed in their endeavor, the team must learn the ropes of content marketing or, in other words, obtain sufficient content marketing expertise. Such expertise takes both time and strategy to integrate into one’s organization, and it is always an inseparable part of the overall content culture of all members.

The Pillars of Content Culture

Content Marketing Institute contributor Andy Betts outlines seven pillars of content culture. These are as follows: Messaging, Content Objectives, Content Marketing Roles, Content Workflow, Content Guidance, Content Approvals, and Content Results. So, the successful adoption of content culture in a particular organization involves addressing possible issues in each of these areas without losing sight of the bigger picture.

In their report, A Culture of Content, Rebecca Lieb and Jessica Groopman link the adoption of functioning content culture in a business organization to the management’s practices of encouraging their subordinates to be creative and produce original content. It is generally assumed that in the process of content creation and sharing, the employees will gradually increase their content marketing expertise.

The two content marketing experts also point out that the successful adoption of a strategic and systematized culture of content requires strong and highly-motivated leaders with a clear vision of the company’s future in the field of content marketing.

Establish Clear Content Objectives

Company heads must possess strong content marketing expertise, so as to link every piece of content to at least one objective. Betts quotes content strategist Meghan Casey defining a content objective as “the task you want a piece of content to fulfill.”

Of course, content objectives are invariably linked to audience and business objectives. Thus, the produced content must be able to amplify a particular message or promote an event. Ultimately, it must lead to conversions and boost company sales.

Unite the Marketing Team

If a marketing team wants to generate highly original content that is capable of achieving certain objectives, they must unite efforts and content marketing expertise across different digital channels. This is achieved by setting up a message architecture that helps keep the planned content aligned with business objectives and customer needs.

Content Marketing Institute contributor Andy Betts portrays this message architecture as a house. The roof or “umbrella” message is based on several content and product marketing messages, also known as “core messages,” while the foundations of the house consist of a massive single block called “Validation and Support.” This block incorporates message validation as well as some essential proof points.

Content Marketing Roles: Who’s in Charge Here?

So far, we’ve established the goals that our content needs to achieve, and we’ve built the house of successful communication. Now, it’s time to establish who does what or, as Betts puts it, “to define content marketing roles.” These roles, one would agree, invariably depend on the specific level of content marketing expertise that each team member has acquired.

It goes without saying that the roles should be defined by marketing and business leaders. So, the successful implementation of a functioning content culture in a particular organization involves appointing a competent content marketing leader.

This high-level role is important, as this individual’s chief responsibility is to coordinate all interdepartmental efforts towards the achievement of the common goal.

Once the content marketing leader has been appointed, the content professionals can start working. They are the backbone of every company’s content culture because the success of every marketing strategy depends on their individual contribution and content marketing expertise.

When the working process starts, it may become clear that some roles in the marketing team can be merged for the same of optimization, or new roles need to be set up. These are steps that every content manager should be prepared to take. Last but not least, they should attempt to tailor the roles to their staff’s unique skills.

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