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Thanksgiving is the holidays to give thanks, spend time with family and add an inch to our waistlines. Go to any grocery store and you’ll see an abundance of turkeys, treats and pumpkin pie. Thanksgiving is also the ideal time for companies to market themselves, but it has to be done correctly. Before we delve into ways, you can leverage Thanksgiving content, let’s look at why the tradition is so important in the USA.
The Thanksgiving Tradition
It’s easy to remember the Thanksgiving tradition when we think back to our school days, but what’s the full history? In 1621 the pilgrims gave thanks to the infamous Squanto and his Native American tribe. He taught them how to grow crops and acted as a translator between the pilgrims and his tribe. The tribe leader also donated food to the pilgrims, and they feasted for three days.
Thanksgiving wasn’t celebrated until the 1800s. Abraham Lincoln decided it needed to be a national holiday and chose the fourth Thursday of November. Families used the day to gather together and share what they were thankful for. However, as time changes, so has the way we celebrate the day.
Modern Day Traditions
People used to sit around a table, talking and giving thanks to each other. While many families still incorporate this into the day, gathering around the television has become common practice. Football games and the Macy’s Day Parade dominate the day, which means marketers can advertise their companies.
Families still enjoy eating together and telling others what they’re thankful for, but religion doesn’t dominate the holiday as it used to. Here are some popular Thanksgiving traditions:
Turkey, potatoes and pies in abundance. Families have their own ways of preparing their meals and you’ll notice differences between the Southern states and others.
Football games are key to Thanksgiving. It’s the nations favorite game and families love gathering around the TV to watch their team play.
There are loads of parades in the lead up to Thanksgiving, but the Macy’s Day Parade dominates the day.
Many spend the day helping the less fortunate by handing out meals or volunteering in shelters.
Leveraging Your Thanksgiving Content
To leverage your seasonal content, it’s important to know why the tradition matters to the public. You don’t need to be a large company to leverage your content. One of the best ways to do this it take advice from a content specialist. Here are some other ways to leverage your Thanksgiving content.
Show Your Giving Side
It’s common knowledge that consumers respond to companies with a strong social responsibility. People give more during Thanksgiving, so they respond to companies that do the same. Show consumers that you give to organizations and give them a way to donate to other companies. A well-written piece about how your company helps others and offering an easy way for people to donate money can increase your revenue. It also positively impacts your Thanksgiving content strategy.
Use Social Media
The “30 Days of Thankfulness” trend is popular on social media and it’s perfect for companies to gain visibility. Users tweet #30DaysofThankfulness and tell others what they are grateful for each day. Why not do the same with your business? Tell your consumers what you’re thankful for each day and encourage customers to do the same. It doesn’t have to be meaningful every day, but interacting with consumers is the key to success. You can promote positivity during the holiday season and achieve more engagement from your customer base. To gain maximum visibility, re-tweet the posts and share them on Facebook. According to statistics from WordStream, social media content is vital to a company’s success so use it properly and reap the rewards.
Keep it Relevant
Thanksgiving content should apply to the day. There’s no point marketing your company around this time if you’re not utilizing seasonal content. Fill your website with Thanksgiving related content and show your users you’re thankful for their business. Nothing tells them that like a discount, or special offers. People will shop with you if they see you tie in with current events.
Make a Content Calendar
Good content is only half of a successful campaign. The other half, is knowing when to post it. Many companies use the “Before, During and After” strategy to remain relevant. Post content before the day to get people interested in what your company is offering. Then post after thanking people for their support and participation. Remember, Black Friday is directly after Thanksgiving, so prepare your consumer base for the discounts and offers you’ll offer on the day.
Use Favorite Characters
It doesn’t matter how old someone is, they still enjoy some nostalgia. Use favorite holiday characters to leverage your Thanksgiving content. You can tailor popular catchphrases to your company, or write engaging Thanksgiving content based on characters. A great example of this is Lexus combining The Black Panther with their car to create a positive association with the company.
There are loads of fantastic ways to leverage content so don’t regard it as a difficult task. Plan and strategize your content and build a recipe for success. Using the above tips and developing conceptual themes will make your company stand out against the competition.
It’s important to leverage Thanksgiving content because it engages your customers and gives you a strong place in social media communities. If consumers know that you offer great deals during Thanksgiving and other holidays, they’re more likely to use your website all year round.
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