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What Can We Learn From the Biggest Content Marketing Trends of 2018?

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Content marketing is vital for any businesses success and companies need to get it right. Many are saying we’ve reached the Golden Age of Content Marketing, because customers know they want great content. This gives businesses a huge chance to define themselves within the market by providing consumers with a useful, engaging constant stream of content. However, they must adapt, so what can we expect for content marketing in 2019?

In order to plan, we need to look back at 2018s content marketing trends. Their success and strategy show how we need to adapt for content marketing in 2019 and reach audiences. Here are some of the biggest trends.

Content Optimized For Voice Search

Statistics by the company TechCrunch suggest that 55% of households will have voice-enabled smart speakers by 2022. Voice searching is growing in popularity due to its convenience and companies are preparing to break into the voice content market. VaynerMedia held their Voicecon in NYC, and the focus was on voice-based opportunities for content marketers. It shows that in the coming years, companies will need to consider exploring voice content and get ready to supply consumers with what they want.

Automated Content Delivery

If you haven’t heard of automated content delivery, you’re not alone. However, it’s one of the essential tools to reach a mass audience. Gone are the days when content was a “one-size-fits-all” approach. Today, companies realize that they need to tailor their content to reach a range of audiences and age groups. Services from companies like Sharpspring and HubSpot create content campaigns tailored for smaller audiences with targeting and re-targeting capabilities.

Marketers can use these tools to target consumers at key points rather than serve them endless streams of information. It means that each customer gets the content they want to read at the times they need it. Looking towards the future, it’s clear that consumers want to be valued and thought of as individuals. While companies still create general content, they’ll need to adapt themselves to be successful at content marketing in 2019.


In 2016 Facebook introduced live video features to their interface, and users welcomed its reception. Television shows such as The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones are introducing live-streaming takes of preceding episodes to go along with blogs and recaps. Pop-Culture has embraced live streaming and companies such as Bald Move and The Nerdist live stream their reactions to TV shows, sport games and even blog posts.

Consumers are getting a behind the scenes look at their favorite companies, which helps them relate to the brand more. It’s clear that live-streaming is paving the way for a more user-focused experience and companies will need to develop strategies more next year.

Augmented Reality

If you’re not sure what Augmented Reality is, then think of Pokemon Go. The 2016 collaboration between Nintendo and Niantic swept the world and consumers went crazy for the game. The Jurassic Park Alive game has also been successful and new brands are using AR to capture customers. One notable campaign was Bareburgers Snapchat AR giveaway, which was the company’s most successful promotion ever.

Content marketing in 2019 will need to think about how to incorporate AR into their advertising strategy. The younger generations expect more immersive shopping experiences, so Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality will be a bit part of marketing in the future.

Stronger Strategies

In 2018 we’ve seen companies taking more time and spending more money to create content strategies. Today, content is at the forefront of every marketing plan and professionals are seeing how important it is. There are so many options for creating and sharing content that a detailed plan is now a necessity. While content used to be a minor aspect of a marketing campaign, it will be the central focus of content marketing in 2019.

Companies have also seen how important it is to tailor content to a specific audience. Niche groups are proving to be very lucrative and companies need to strategize a campaign which serves all age and user groups. Brands can use the expertise of a content company to ensure their campaign is successful. A detailed plan will ensure the campaign works long term and remembers key points.

Audio Content

It started off with Podcasts; then other companies saw the benefits of audio advertising. People like to access content with little effort while they’re on the move. For those who commute, run or visit the gym audio content is better than text. Two companies have seen a lot of success with their audio content. HubSpot created the Turnaround business documentary and GE’s The Message got the company more attention.

Companies can learn from HubSpot and GE when creating their own audio content. It’s vital to create engaging and informative content rather than a long-form radio commercial to attract consumers.

The Good, The Bad and The Plain Awful

Good content gets attention, but let’s not forget that bad content does too. Brands that don’t plan can often end up hitting the wrong groups or creating poorly written text. These mistakes can lose consumers and companies can seem less credible.

In order to create good content, companies must consider three vital things:

  1. What’s the story the brands trying to tell?

  2. What expertise do the company and marketing team have?

  3. How should the audience feel after reading, watching or listening to the content?

By thinking about these key points, marketers can create campaigns which will attract and retain audiences. Content marketing in 2019 will depend on the ability to adapt to changing needs and remaining on point. The biggest thing we can learn is how to change our strategies for each brand and consumers needs.

Research is key to creating a successful campaign, and companies should always remember that it’s the first step in knowing how to connect with an audience and it will provide insights into what consumers respond to.

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When it comes time to pick a content provider, a bargain isn’t always the best way to go. Content is more than filler; it’s what draws visitors to your site, but inspired content keeps them there. It keeps them coming back. Content is a relationship. It’s your brand. We get it. Furthermore, we can deliver it. Contact us today for a quote.


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