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What Your Brand Needs To Succeed With Content Marketing In 2019

Maria Howard

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There’s no denying that the importance of content marketing will keep growing next year. How can your brand stand out with content marketing in 2019 in this already overcrowded industry? Here are some suggestions.

Use A.I. to Your Advantage

Artificial intelligence is improving, promising a customer experience that’s getting better and better, including improved overall content performance and in-depth insight into customer experiences. Marketers often have more and better access to customer data than practically anyone, and technology promises to offer personalized content to visitors.

Content Marketing in 2019 – The Heart of the Industry

Content marketing is often sidelined in favor of other marketing tactics and approaches, but it’s set to become the heart of the marketing industry in 2019. A successful brand is well-aware that this form of marketing paves the way for two-sided conversations and relationships with potential clients.

Integrate Video Content

Apple has plans to invest over a billion in original video content in response to YouTube and Netflix, who are leaders in the category. Data of Cisco show that video will account for four-fifths of all Internet traffic in 2019 and up to 90% in the US, so it would seem that content marketing needs to include video.

Customized Strategy

In and of itself, content won’t solve every goal your company sets. Brands’ goals vary, and strategies need to be customized accordingly. Starting with general goals like SEO and lead generation, companies can create unique strategies specifically devised to work toward their goal of choice. Data of Content Marketing Institute show that almost two-thirds of highly successful content marketers have a customized strategy. This can start with an assessment of content marketing in 2019 to identify one’s main goal. From there, a suitable content strategy can be elaborated. A study by CoSchedule on 1,600 professional marketers has shown the likelihood of those with a marketing calendar to be successful is an impressive 538 percent higher than of those without one.

Transformation of the Marketing Funnel

A salient feature of content marketing in 2019 will involve the transformation of the marketing funnel. A combination of high-quality content and change in mindset will generate a more effective and sustainable funnel, more akin to an ongoing cycle emphasizing continuous engagement. This increased focus on the post-sale relationship with the client will make them more likely to return and/or recommend your business to friends and acquaintances. It is a fact that continuous engagement with clients, genuine partnerships, and lasting trust can guarantee a business’s staying power.

Focus on Customer Success

Businesses need customers to derive maximum value from their purchases. In keeping with the above point, this encourages growth of stronger relationships and word-of-mouth marketing. In other words, making a sale and moving on is no longer enough. Content marketing needs to enable companies to help their customers succeed because your customer’s success is tantamount to your own. Effective content shows the most optimal uses of products and services, encouraging customers to see the glass half-full. Companies can invest fewer resources in remedying mistakes and more resources in developing their brands when their content strategy is focused on their customers’ success.

Google is Still Boss

The number of businesses investing in content marketing is rising exponentially, and it’s getting more and more difficult (that’s putting it mildly) to get onto page one of THE search engine as a result. Google Search will remain the best way to gain new customers with content marketing in 2019. Hence, content marketers today need to make major and continuous investments in search engine optimization. One doesn’t always come upon the best keywords and topics because web traffic fluctuates, so it’s something that needs time, patience, and possibly assistance from an expert in SEO. Ultimately, one sees positive gains when they are inclined to invest these resources.

Content Marketing and the Bottom Line

Content marketing has proven remarkably useful to all marketing team operations in our day and age. It is one of the best tools at a company’s disposal to build a brand, earn trust, and generate quality leads and site traffic. Content marketing will move closer to the core of marketing next year, and a brand that understands content is key to effective marketing and the bottom line can expect to succeed in any market situation.

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When it comes time to pick a content provider, a bargain isn’t always the best way to go. Content is more than filler; it’s what draws visitors to your site, but inspired content keeps them there. It keeps them coming back. Content is a relationship. It’s your brand. We get it. Furthermore, we can deliver it. Contact us today for a quote.



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