“But, you know what? It doesn’t matter that I like the product. Buying it was a total nightmare. So no, I won’t be buying it again. In fact, I won’t be buying anything from them, ever again”, sighed Joanna, exasperated.
I was patiently listening to her, sipping my overpriced fancy pink lemonade (yes, I like to indulge, but I do love the ambiance of this bistro), pondering over her horrid experience. Sure, Joanna is such a drama queen, but there was some truth to what she was saying. She deserved an Oscar nomination for her performance, but I could not help but think how could a product so good be so bad at the same time (and why am I paying so much for a pink lemonade?).
Well, it all boils down to this: customer experience (aha! That’s why I am paying so much for a pink lemonade). Buying a product is not just about the product itself; it is the whole experience from the time you think you need it, to searching for it, to finding it and actually buying it. Customer experience is the overall feel your customers have of your brand as a whole throughout all aspects of the buyer's journey. When something turns sour at the beginning of their journey, they are not likely to move forward in your sales funnel.
(Joanna did complete her purchase, but the damage she is doing talking about it, and trust me, she loves the spotlight, so now EVERYBODY knows about it, is incomprehensible).
So, why does customer experience matter? And why should your content elevate it? Here are three reasons (of course, the Joannas out there should be enough reason, but let’s add three more).
1. Customers Have The Power
Whether we like it or not, the power no longer lies in the product but in the customers. The world wide web has bestowed them with ultimate sovereignty as they can comfortably sit in their house and search for products. They find products that they like, they read reviews, they compare prices, they check after-sales customer service, they question customers about their experience, they hunt down tiny little negative comments hidden in godforsaken sites, they discover testimonials, and they even search for similar products from other parts of the earth (thank you DHL), should they decide that your product does not fit their criteria for completing a purchase. So yes, we can safely assume that customer experience matters. Customers are your best way to improve your business, promote brand awareness, and increase your site’s visibility. Therefore, your content should elevate this experience and help your clients have a seamless and smooth encounter with your product throughout their buyer’s journey.
Satisfied customers are the best way to generate referrals and promote brand advocacy. These customers have already experienced how you do your business, have already purchased your product, and will start talking about it with their friends and family. People love to talk, and they love to talk about things that make them happy. So keep your customers happy, and you will have a constant pool of new customers flooding to hop on the satisfied customer experience wagon.
On the flip side, it is very easy for unsatisfied customers to jump on social media and post negative reviews (or if you are a Joanna, put on a whole performance about it). Using content that elevates your customer’s experience provides all the social proof you need and the necessary testimonials to build a good name for your brand.
2. It Is More Expensive To Find New Customers Than To Retain Existing Ones
The greatest chunk of marketing budget is devoted in generating new leads and attracting new buyers. However, it is far cheaper to retain existing customers than to attract new ones; it is estimated that it is five times cheaper. Happy customers who have encountered an excellent customer experience through your well crafted content, will form a strong brand attachment. Studies have shown that customers who have developed brand loyalty will deliver 23% more revenue than the average random one-off customer.
Your content plays a major role in adding value and providing excellent customer experiences, and is critical in encouraging buyers to become return-buyers and loyal supporters. Customer retainment begins with customer experience before the product ever reaches your buyers. ,
3. It Puts You Ahead Of The Competition
The Entrepreneur considers customer experience as the building block of any business’s success. According to Adobe's 2020 Digital Trends report, most companies are currently shifting their emphasis on customer experience. SmartInsights reveals that businesses offering better customer experience earned between 4 and 8 percent more than their competitors. Similarly, a Deloitte survey found out that 88% of companies prioritize customer experience as part of their marketing efforts. A Walker study found that at the end of 2020, customer experience overtook price and product as the key brand differentiator.
No matter what your product or service is, there will always be a competitor who offers similar products at lower prices, or whose product has something extra. In today’s digital world competition is cut throat and clients can easily access all competitive products and decide which one is the best. Your content should therefore offer more value to your customers and elevate their customer experience. This is the one thing you can do to get ahead of the competition (besides lowered prices of course). Exceptional customer experience will add value to your product, value that your competitors will find hard to match.
Pink Lemonades And All That Jazz
You know what? I do love this pink lemonade but I can definitely find a cheaper one elsewhere. I can even find one that tastes better. But, it won’t be the same. Because I love sipping my pink lemonade, here. At this bistro. A pink lemonade anywhere else would not be the same. So, I don’t mind to pay a little extra, as long as I get to experience the ambiance of this place. And in creating a unique customer experience, this place has earned a loyal and return customer.
Take away lesson? Be a like this bistro. Do not invest so much on your pink lemonade. There are hundreds of pink lemonades out there. But the customer experience you offer through your content? This is unique. This is what sets you apart from the competition. And this is where customers will find value in your brand. Or pink lemonade, for that matter.