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Annie Ianko
Jul 13, 2020
How Customer Retention Strategies Boost Sales
Today’s companies are laser focused on developing and converting leads. Technology is evolving and offering new ways to attract the...

Annie Ianko
Jul 6, 2020
Industry-Based Marketing: What It Is And Why It’s Valuable
Strategies for lead conversion are rapidly evolving. However, one strategy that many organizations haven’t tried yet or haven’t tried in...

Annie Ianko
Jun 29, 2020
Why Your Content Needs Emotion: 12 Essential Pros
Emotional marketing makes excellent first impressions. First impressions form in seconds, and they will create an impact only if they can...

Annie Ianko
Jun 26, 2020
UCDF – What The Unique Content Differentiation Factor Is &Why Your Brand Should Care
Think about the brands that are crushing it in today’s environment. They don’t play it safe. They are innovators who take risks. While a...

Annie Ianko
Jun 21, 2020
Societal Marketing: 6 Smart Ways to Integrate It into Your Content Marketing
It seems that every time we turn around there is a new content marketing strategy coming at us. While all strategies – both new and not...

Annie Ianko
Jun 19, 2020
Needs- Wants- Demands: How to Reconcile These Concepts in Your Marketing Plan
Customer needs, wants, and demands are three basic concepts used in making strategic marketing decisions. Needs Needs are the basic...

Annie Ianko
Jun 14, 2020
How to Blend UGC (User-Generated Content) With Your Content Marketing Tactics
Producing strategic content of superb quality is an expensive, trying, and lengthy process. This is why most brands turn to “on the fly”...

Annie Ianko
Jun 12, 2020
How to Grow Your Content Reach with Social Media Stories
Right now, the leading advertising methods are all designed around social media platforms. Major brands, small and medium companies,...

Annie Ianko
Jun 8, 2020
The Ultimate Pros and Cons List to Adopting Artificial Intelligence for Your Marketing
Today, AI technology like Sophia has never been more popular. However, AI doesn’t even begin to end with robots, which is great news for...

Annie Ianko
Jun 5, 2020
Micro-Moments: The Content Marketer’s Guide
Fast, faster, and then even faster. This is the new speed content consumption. Our attention span is shrinking because we are blasted...

Annie Ianko
Jun 1, 2020
Is the Funnel Dead? A Few Pros and Cons
In 2018, the Harvard Business Review published an article by a writer who declared the sales funnel officially retired, complete with...

Annie Ianko
May 29, 2020
Customer Experience and Your Marketing Campaign: 7 Essentials
There is an element every marketing campaign should include if organizations want to maximize customer lifetime value and drive profits....

Annie Ianko
May 26, 2020
Social Media Content: Do You Share Data or Stories?
Social media marketing is the new big thing for all brands in all industries. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube...

Annie Ianko
May 22, 2020
VR Above All: The Trends That Will Define The Next Two Years
Over the last few years, the VR (Virtual Reality) market has experienced ups and downs, but it is poised to take center stage in 2020 and...

Annie Ianko
May 17, 2020
The Updated Industry Guide: Your Content Creation Tips for Technology Services
The Updated Industry Guide: Your Content Creation Tips for Technology Services Marketing, as a whole, has been an ever-evolving field. In...

Annie Ianko
May 15, 2020
How Client Communications and Tone Have Evolved in the COVID Crisis Era
The Coronavirus pandemic has caused a profound disruption in every aspect of our lives. Many people are now made redundant from their...

Annie Ianko
May 11, 2020
How the Workplace is Changing for Content Marketers (Changes Are Here to Stay)
It happened almost overnight. Companies lucky enough to avoid laying off or furloughing employees sent maybe a few, a hundred, thousands,...

Annie Ianko
May 5, 2020
How to Map What’s Important to Your Audience Right Now
Knowing how to map your audience’s needs will ensure they see your messages at the right time. These people are your most valuable asset,...

Annie Ianko
Apr 28, 2020
A Decline in Publishing: How the Coronavirus Is Impacting Freelance Workloads
With almost everyone working from home during the Coronavirus pandemic, it would seem that nothing has changed for freelancers in terms...

Annie Ianko
Apr 24, 2020
Topical or Evergreen? What Type of Content Should You Be Creating Now?
Extreme uncertainty and fear of the unknown is causing anxiety for your business and for your customers. What can you offer to your...
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